AQskill - Acquire a skill
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AQskill, an online learning platform established with the intent of creating a home for everyone who intends to learn any skill.

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Step by Step Guide Using Adobe After Effects- Beginner’s Course to Motion Design

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Keep learning, Don't stop!

"Learn continually. There is always one more thing to learn". These are the words of Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Inc. From his words, it is quite evident that the importance of learning cannot be overemphasized. So it is therefore not worthy for one to rest on their oars after learning a skill or two as there is no such thing as too much knowledge.

Have you completed a skill with us at AQSKILL and you are looking to move on? Congratulations! But do hold on! Every skill you learn is like a unique piece to the jigsaw puzzle, that is your life. The more skills you learn the greater pieces you have and the better your chances of solving that puzzle become.
The world out there has become so competitive that only those with multiple skills emerge victors in the so-called battle of the fittest. The more skills you acquire, the greater your chances of succeeding. The best machine is that machine that can take the cake because of its ability to perform many tasks. This is also true with humans. And yes, you can be a master of all. The concept of Jack of all trades is a master of known has a long time been debunked.

We are here to help you choose courses that are best for you. Learning has been made a whole lot easier and more fun by offering you new courses that are related to the one you just finished. This makes learning interesting like a game with different levels. Taking a course that has a totally different bearing from the one you just completed can be difficult but thanks to us, it has been made seamless. Learning has never been such a delight!

One of the greatest minds of all time said "learning never exhausts the mind", there are times when one feels the urge to give up and let go. But we are here to prevent that from happening. We are with you at every step and every checkpoint. You just cannot be exhausted. We see to it that the courses are personalized to suit your every progress just so the learning process never gets boring.

Learning should not stop with a skill
The world out there favors only those that have the will
The will to go on to learn and learn and learn
They are the ones that will truly earn.

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Content Creation/Marketing Course

What You Will Learn;
->How to Measure and Analyze your content.

->How to effectively promote content.

->How to Create Topic Cluster Pillar pages.

->How to Generate Content Ideas.

->How to Build Content Creation Framework.

->Storytelling and how to use it.

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Shine your eyes
Learn with AQskill trusted by many

A nice fancy way to tell someone to be wise is to tell them to "Shine your eyes!"These three words are the most concise advice anyone could ever get. They could also serve as a subtle warning. It doesn't matter whether one takes the words "shine your eyes" as an advice or as a warning. What matters most is that one adheres to the messages they convey. And that message depends on the context in which the words are used. When one is told to "shine your eyes" in terms of the digital world, it most certainly means that one should be cautious and conscious of the choices they make with things that involve digital marketing, E-learning, online transactions and the likes. Shining your eyes when it comes to skill acquisition is akin to learning with AQSKILL.
In a world full of a plethora of online platforms offering to make adepts out of neophytes in a particular field, it is only wise to look out for only platforms which are committed to offering the best return for your time and money as a vast majority of these platforms are only out to make money from an unsuspecting clientele. There are of course a few exceptions and the top of that list is AQSKILL. AQSKILL has years of experience in tutoring. It also has registered under it thousands of individuals learning under it one or more skills. Its only goal has been to make learning easier and hitch-free.

Not only has it stopped at being just the best but has gone further to better itself for the benefit of its students.

If you have ever registered on an online platform that teaches digital skills like programming, electronics, marketing, Ad creation, website development and the likes without actually getting what you thought you'd get, then AQSKILL is for you. If you have ever thought of taking an online course related to technology and the digital world but have a hard time deciding, then we are here for you. Most of our students, if not all have never had a course to be unsatisfied with the services we provide. Some of our students have come with the aim of participating in one program but ended up registering for multiple programs. The reason for this is simple: they were impressed with our services. If you haven't registered for any of our courses,then you definitely need to check out AQSKILL.

It is not enough to want to learn or to just learn. It is of even greater importance to shine your eyes. To shine your eyes is to learn smart. And to learn smart is to learn with AQSKILL.

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Memories are beautiful and that is why people would do anything to keep their memories alive. In the past, those memories were remembered by writing them down or relying on the power of the brain to not forget them.

Things have certainly gotten better as those memorable events can now be videoed as they occur and then saved to be enjoyed in the future. In recent times, almost everything going on around us is captured on camera. People make videos of parties, lectures, seminars, tours, games, and even sleeping people. It is admissible to say that making videos has become a part of us.
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According to the laws of the market, "where there is increased demand, there is also an increased supply. It is therefore not surprising that the number of people who make videos is high. So high in fact that it would almost be impossible for anyone just getting into the business to thrive. Almost, but not impossible. That is because the best workman is never out of business. In other words, one who knows their game will always win at it.

Maybe there are truly a large number of video makers out there, but one thing is certain; the number of those who have perfected their trade is just a minute fraction compared of those who have not. And that little fraction represents not the thrivers but those who are well sought after. The big question now is.....

What are they doing that others are not? The answer is simple... VIDEO EDITING.

Video Editing is like a secret recipé; everybody knows it as what makes the dishes stand out but only an honored few know what it is. So long you are reading this, and as far as video editing is concerned, you are honored. That "recipé" to correct video editing is what AQSKILL is offering.

Video editing is like a magic wand that instantly puts you in the spotlight as far as video making is concerned. Many claims to be magicians but only a few wield this wand. We put it upon ourselves to show both new and professional video makers, even those wanting to do it for the fun of it, the intricacies as well as the nitty-gritty of video editing whilst ensuring that they capture the information correctly.

All that remains for you to achieve your goal of being a master video maker is to click on the link below. Video making is fun, video editing makes it funnier. Join us today at AQSKILL so we can have fun together!

Enroll today and Master professional video editing
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Illustrator for Graphic Designers

What You Will learn;

-> Understand the Adobe Illustrator workspace and tools.

-> Dive into creating your own shapes & lines.

-> How to use the pen & curvature tool to improve your designs.

-> How to advance your graphics with strokes, pencils & brushes.

-> How to speed up your workflow with the shape builder tool.

-> Mastering the art of creating an effective logo for a brand.

-> Branding and visual identity concept.

-> How to create awesome flyers using Freepik existing template.

-> How to use effects and advanced techniques.

-> Understand color and how to use it like a pro.

-> How to create digital illustrations with ease.

-> How to use Mesh tool to create popular brand products.

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Learn and Master
Eid Mubarak. Wishing you peace, happiness and prosperity!

May Allah's blessings be with you and guide you towards His path. Eid Mubarak!
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Start An Online Business With Affiliate Marketing

You will learn;
-> How to Build a Profitable Online Business Using Affiliate Marketing.

-> Understand the Basics of Affiliate Marketing.

-> How to Find Affiliate Programs To Join.

-> How to effectively market Affiliate Offers For Free.

-> How to Use Paid Ads to Promote Your Offers.

-> How to Create Customer Journeys for Affiliate Marketing.

-> How to Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Computer/Internet.

-> How to Make Money from Online Courses you did not make using Affiliate Marketing.

-> Email Marketing Foundations.

-> Tips in Choosing a Great Affiliate Offer.

-> How to Use Social Sites to Promote Offers.

-> Using Social Media to Market your Offers.

-> Start An Online Business With Affiliate Marketing.

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To our folks in Nigeria, It is no doubt that these are indeed cloudy times for University students. The lingering strike action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has left many students wondering how long they'd have to wait for the issues between the Union and the Federal Government to be resolved so they can get back to school. But as they say, every cloud has its silver lining which means there are a whole lot of benefits to be gained if only one looks onto the brighter side.
The clock never stops ticking even though we would wish it to do so in these kinds of situations where everything is in a gridlock. And learning, being a lifelong process, should also not stop because of the frequent, mandatory pauses the schooling system imposes upon us. No better way to put this than in the words of Mark Twain "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education". This tells us that education is so important that schooling and the setbacks it poses should not be a hindrance to our learning process. If anything, these obstacles should be stepping Stones to further learning.

The importance of learning cannot be overstressed that is why we are introducing you to an array of subjects and courses from which to choose. If your schooling has in one way or the other prevented you from learning a skill, now is the time to learn. If you have always thought of school as the only place to learn, a visit to our site will make you rethink. Learning can happen anywhere and one of the best places to learn is to learn with us at AQSKILL. Our courses have been handpicked to not just cover the areas which are in demand by those willing to learn but are also high yield which means they provide a greater return.

Frankly, there is a lot to learn and there is a whole lot worth learning. But the schools do not provide the avenue for one to learn all they ought to learn. There are people for whom this strike action will be a total waste of time; they won't achieve anything until it ends. And there are people for whom this strike action would be beneficial. Those are the truly wise ones for it could be said that they have mastered their time and they are the ones whose clouds have silver linings.

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Be Professional with MICROSOFT WORD

Microsoft is the developer of a word processing software called Microsoft word. Which can be used to make professional-quality documents, letters, reports etc. It has advanced features which allow you to format and edit your documents in the best possible way.

Since its launch in the 90s, Microsoft word has gradually rendered handwritten documents obsolete. Using Microsoft Word to create documents is many folds more efficient than handwritten documents as it saves time and energy. and errors can easily be corrected. Our day-to-day office activities require creating documents, writing reports and letters, it is, therefore, indispensable to at least know the basics of Microsoft word. Teachers and students are also not left out of harnessing the many benefits of Microsoft word.
Even though creating documents using Microsoft word beats doing so using pen and paper, some people still prefer doing it the cumbersome way. This does not come as surprising as they simply do not know how to use Microsoft word. Being a classical example of "what you do not know is bigger than you", they find that Microsoft word is bigger than they can handle and so instead resort to the "ancient" means of documentation.

It is a well-known aphorism that "to fully appreciate something, you need to first understand it".This is where AQSKILL comes in. We have a number of lessons that are aimed at guiding you through the efficient usage of Microsoft word. It is said that the first step is always the hardest, but with AQSKILL, even the first step in learning to use Microsoft word is as easy as writing your name on a paper. It does not matter whether you are a beginner who is just learning it for the first time or someone who has had one or more failed attempts at learning to use Microsoft Word. The most important aspect of learning is a right approach and AQSKILL offers just that.

Indeed, one cannot do without Microsoft word as far as official writing is involved. AQSKILL welcomes you aboard. Let's go explore Microsoft word!

Learn and Master how to use Microsoft Word more effectively
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UI/UX Design with Figma and Adobe XD

What you will learn;

1. How to Use Figma and Adobe XD to Create Awesome User Interfaces Designs.

2. How to Create Designs for Mobile, Web, Smart Gadget and Other Products.

3. How to Create A Professional Wireframe For UI Projects.

4. How to Work With Vast UI Materials for Projects.

5. How to Prototype Projects on Multiple Screens.

6. How to Share, Document, Present and Publish Your Designs.

7. How to Post and Create An Account on Behance, Dribble and Upwork (Working as Freelancer).

8. How to Build A UI Designs Portfolio.

9. How to Create UI Designs Effect such as Glassmorphism, Neumorphism, Skewmorphism and Others, Including Working with Plugins.

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There are a million things that humans cherish. Top of the list is the independence to do what they love without limitations. But this is not always possible as the resources to satisfy that want are seldom available. Learning is one of such things. There are times when one has the will to learn and gather as much knowledge and practical skills as they possibly can but they are unable to due to lack of access to relevant material and also competent tutors. Time might also be a major limiting factor. All these limitations are enough to dampen even the strongest of enthusiasm for learning. Thanks to AQSKILL, limitations are a thing of the past as far as learning is concerned.