Forwarded from APS Hongkongers Channel
pancake promotion🥞🇨🇦國際文宣帳
oUcH Source: Telegram #publicopinion #Censorship #FreedomOfSpeech #Wuhan #Coronavirus #PoliceState #WhiteTerror #PoliceState #StateTerrorism #WhiteTerror #PoliticalRepression #hongkong #fightforfreedom #standwithhk #hkpolice #ccp #popo #freehk #carrielam…
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
“I hate politics”, “I am neutral”, “I just want to mind my own business and live my lil life” - these words are often uttered by #HongKongers who refuse to see that politics affects everything and everyone, there’s no way to stay out of it. And now, it’s encroaching upon #artists and #musicians we love. Welcome to the age of #censorship in #HongKong. #popculture #music
#DeniseHo #AnthonyWong #CAllStar #Rubberband #DearJane #KayTse #Serrini #AlfredHui
#DeniseHo #AnthonyWong #CAllStar #Rubberband #DearJane #KayTse #Serrini #AlfredHui
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
CCP calling the ban of TikTok unconstitutional and a coward act... (while most of the Internet is banned in China)
Cartoon by @tainanheiming
#FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship #EvilCCP #網絡監控 #tiktok #wechat #籠的傳人 #牆国
Cartoon by @tainanheiming
#FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship #EvilCCP #網絡監控 #tiktok #wechat #籠的傳人 #牆国