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Millions of Russians are beginning to feel the squeeze of Western economic sanctions designed to punish the country for invading Ukraine. // @bbcnews

#GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia
已經Fact Check,如有任何疑問可DM TG @Chivalrous_C
Posted by @blackblochongkongers

烏克蘭外籍軍團 (Ukraine Foreign Legion),以前叫 International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine,現在招募任何國籍人士加入軍團保衛烏克蘭國土。



PS: 我們在東歐的訓練機構正在訓練一班海外烏克蘭人返回祖國參戰。參加我們訓練班的朋友,如有需要,可以要求索取一份由訓練機構發出的完成軍事訓練證書,相信對申請加入軍團會有幫助。

#GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia
Who stands against - or WITH - Putin?

Daily Mail 俾大家一圖睇晒普京喺世界上有咩盟友

#GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia
141 countries voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution "deploring" Russia's aggression against Ukraine and demanding the immediate and complete withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukrainian territory.

LIST OF SHAME: Countries who just voted No on a resolution condemning Russia's war on Ukraine:
🇧🇾 Belarus 🇪🇷 Eritrea 🇰🇵 North Korea 🇷🇺 Russia 🇸🇾 Syria

🇩🇿 Algeria 🇧🇴 Bolivia 🇨🇳 China 🇨🇺 Cuba
🇮🇷 Iran 🇮🇶 Iraq 🇳🇦 Namibia 🇳🇮 Nicaragua
🇵🇰 Pakistan 🇻🇳 Vietnam 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe

#GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia

The second round of negotiations between Russian and Ukrainian officials have broken the previous impasse, with both sides agreeing to providing “humanitarian corridors” to evacuate civilians – the minimum agreement Ukraine hoped to reach during the first round of talks.

Posted by IG @cwr_newspost
#俄烏戰爭 #談判 #人道走廊 #GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia
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烏克蘭民眾上街圖阻俄軍 遭開火驅逐


在前往歐洲最大核電站所在地 Energodar 的公路上,有大量烏克蘭人以汽車、沙包等架設路障,他們手持烏克蘭國旗、站在路障前嘗試阻擋俄軍。而俄軍則向這些平民開火,現場片段傳出子彈聲及疑似手榴彈爆炸聲。目擊者稱有人被手榴彈炸斷一隻腳。

在 Mariupol、Melitopol、Konotop等被俄軍佔領或包圍的城市中,同樣有民眾上街抗議俄軍進城。相關影片中同樣有開火聲,亦有影片中俄軍經過人群時手持手榴彈以防被襲。

網上影片 / Photo: Vadim Ghirda
Posted by IG @variant_gbhk

#GloryToUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussiaAggression #Ukraine #Russia