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URGENT CALLING BRISTOL HKERS Support @hkidforce in Manchester

Posted on IG @bristolstandswithhongkong

On 16/10 outside Chinese Consulate in Manchester, there was a peaceful protest against Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. Half a dozen consulate generals and officers trashed the protest signs, illegally captured and dragged a protestor into the consulate area and brutally beaten him up. A brave and righteous police officer entered the consulate and assisted other protestors to save the victim. At least four of the assaulters were identified as Chinese consulate ambassadors and officers.

We will not tolerate this barbarian and ridiculous mistreat to anyone. Come out and support Hongkongers, sign the joint statement to condemn the Chinese Consulate in Manchester!

#BRISTOL #香港人集結 #曼城 #Manchester #捍衛港人連線 #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患
The reason that drives us all to organise / support the ‘Siege of PolyU’ 3rd year anniversary street booth & human chain today, under this cold weather? WE HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN. And will fight till the end.
Posted on IG @bristolstandswithhongkong

#bristol #理大圍城 #理工大學 #POLYU #警暴 #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #boycottchina #globaldetwinwithchina #hongkongprotest
Source: 真•香港人在Bristol facebook page

反送中運動四週年,今年Bristol 嘅集會會喺六月十號下晝兩點半舉行,除咗回顧反送中運動之外,我哋會設置梁凌杰義士靈位,方便參加者獻花同悼念,默哀儀式之後我哋會錄影合唱榮光交俾美國手足剪輯成612全球齊唱榮光,集會最後會以人鏈作結,歡迎大家自行印制文宣向途人展示。相信大部分手足已經喺Bristol安頓落嚟,平時都忙於返工、返學,因此,我哋希望集會盡量喺一個鐘頭之內完成。


#毋忘2019 #毋忘初心 #梁凌杰 #UK #Bristol #孔子學院 #47人案