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[Hong Kong Watch向港人賀年 影片背景音樂《願榮光歸香港》]


組織「Hong Kong Watch」發佈一系列賀年短片向香港人恭賀新禧,影片更以《願榮光歸香港(賀年版)》作為背景音樂。


#願榮光歸香港 #彭定康 #HongKongWatch #BenedictRogers #賀年

自由亞洲粵語 報道: bit.ly/3K6fa0A

總部設於倫敦的人權組織「香港監察」(Hong Kong Watch)周四(21日)發布最新報告,揭發9名香港行政會議成員和12名立法會議員在海外擁有物業,遍布英、美、澳、加等國。「香港監察」批評,這些港府官員和「愛國者」立法會議員打壓香港人權,卻在海外持有物業,形容做法虛偽,呼籲各國政府仿效針對俄羅斯寡頭富豪的方式,制訂針對香港官員的制裁名單。

英國上議院議員奧爾頓勳爵(Lord Alton)曾呼籲審查香港官員在英國持有的資產,他促請英國政府採納「香港監察」的建議。

#香港監察 #HongKongWatch #愛国者治港 #行政會議成員 #立法會議員 #海外物業 #制裁 #中華移民共蝗國
🎂Happy Birthday Lord Patten🎂

12 May 2022 is the 78th birthday of #LordPatten.

The Last Governor of #HongKong, Lord Patten, is one of #HongKongWatch's patrons and one of the most important and irreplaceable allies of Hongkongers.

Posted by twitter @hk_watch
#彭定康 #ChristopherFrancisPatten #happybirthday
立即制裁陳肇始 — 香港食物及衛生局局長
️Sanction Sophia Chan Now — Hong Kong’s Secretary for Food and Health

作為行政會議成員,陳肇始對香港肺炎防疫限制負有責任,亦有份於 2019年支持及提出《逃犯條例修訂草案》及根據《緊急法》下實施的《禁蒙面法》。

Full Report - "Patriots Only": Hong Kong Officials and Lawmakers' Property Overseas
📑 https://is.gd/lj4TyP

Hong Kong Watch Press Release
📜 https://is.gd/ofe7Qi

#HongKongWatch #香港監察
#制裁 #陳肇始 #海外物業 #愛國是工作 #身體最誠實 #狗官 #禍港正苦 #港共死清光
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彭定康勳爵祝大家新年快樂 🧧
Lord Patten wishes you a very happy Lunar New Year🧧🐰



Posted by @hongkongwatchorg

#HappyLunarNewYear #YearoftheRabbit #農曆新年 #兔年 #香港人平安 #彭定康 #肥彭 #拜年 #新年賀詞
#HongKongWatch #香港監察
🇨🇦 加拿大新民主黨黨魁呼籲政府改善救生艇計劃
🇨🇦 Canada’s NDP Leader calls for improvements in the country’s lifeboat scheme

Jagmeet Singh MP, Leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada, expressed his support for our international lifeboat campaign.

He commented that:
“I am in full agreement with other likeminded leaders in UK, USA, EU and Australia that we must stand with the people of Hong Kong. As the persecution of pro-democracy activists continue to escalate, urgent action is needed. Canada must do its part by extending the current lifeline to safety set to expire in February and establish a special measure for human rights defenders. To ensure the pathways are workable for these pro-democracy activists, barriers like the 5 year graduation requirement and a Hong Kong police certificate must be removed.”

Posted by #HongKongWatch #香港監察

#Canada #救生艇 #StandWithHongKong #移民
🇨🇦 香港監察努力爭取擴大加拿大Stream B永居政策
🇨🇦 Hong Kong Watch campaigns hard to get Canada’s permanent residency policy Stream B expanded

香港監察共同創辦人兼信託人Aileen Calverley一直就Stream B與聯邦移民部高層保持聯絡。移民部於2月6日宣布修訂OWP計劃後,她立即與他們通話,討論有關Stream B的問題。
Aileen Calverley, Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and trustee, has been in contact with senior officials from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) concerning Stream B. She had a conversation with them right after IRCC made an announcement regarding changes to the OWP scheme on 6 February.

We got a positive response from IRCC this week, which expressed their hope to make an announcement soon. Aileen will discuss this further with participants in the OWP roundtable at an event to be held by the HongKonger Community Centre in Toronto on 25 February.

報名參加 Sign up here:

Source: @hongkongwatchorg #HongKongWatch #香港監察

#加拿大 #Canada #StreamB #永
被單獨囚禁超過三年半、被拒領受聖餐 黎智英國際律師團隊向聯合國提出緊急呼籲

上週,黎智英國際律師團隊代表黎向聯合國酷刑特別報告員Alice Edwards提出緊急呼籲。


除了上述憂慮之外,新聞網站《The Pillar》報導指,虔誠天主教徒黎智英現被禁止領受間中探訪他的神父的聖餐。據稱自他目前的案件開審以來,他一直被拒絕領受聖餐。

香港監察共同創辦人兼信託人羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)表示:




#釋放黎智英 #FreeJimmyLai #黎智英 #JimmyLai #蘋果日報 #AppleDaily #新聞自由無價 #守護真相 #撐蘋果 #壹傳媒 #滅聲 #欲加之罪
#HongKongWatch #香港監察