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✈️📖💡📢🙋🏻‍♂️AEGEE | European Students’ Forum

AEGEE-Europe News | Updates |Open-calls

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''Where Does Europe Start?''. This is the theme of the WDEE2.0 opening conference. Together we will look at how Europe has been shaped by the people who live here and what European identity means.

Do you want to experience a day with interesting speeches and workshops from a variety of European speakers? The conference will be held on 17th of February from 16:00-20:00

Apply to join the opening conference until February 3rd, 23:59 CEST by filling the form.

Application link ➡️

Make sure to follow our social media and the Facebook Event to stay updated on the programme.

Dear AEGEEans,

The European Planning Meeting (EPM) is approaching , in which you will be able to draft the Action Agenda of the Focus Areas for the following year.

We would like to ensure that participants have the knowledge and are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge on the Focus Areas. That’s why all Working Groups have prepared Focus Areas sessions.

Don’t miss the dates:

💚Climate Emergency ➡️ 06/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET
❤️Political Activism ➡️ 09/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET
💛Mental Health ➡️ 10/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET
💜Social Equity ➡️ 12/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET

Facebook event ➡️

See you there!

Do you want to organise a training event, but you lack trainers to do so? In such case, do not hesitate to contact the board of AEGEE-Academy and we will do our best to find a matching trainer for you!

All you need to do is fill out the form that you will find in the official ‘’Request a
Training/Trainer‘’ page on the website of AEGEE-Academy.

We highly recommend you to contact us at least a month before the event and if you have any questions you can always contact us via email at

We are looking forward to provide you an unforgettable Non-Formal Education experience!

Related Link ➡️

AEGEE’s 36th birthday is coming up on the 16th of April and here is your opportunity to become the AEGEE Day Ambassador!

Our beloved organization deserves to celebrate its birthday in the most creative and fun way possible, bringing the whole AEGEE Network together!

As an Ambassador you will join the creative project team of AEGEE Day 2021 to coordinate the massive 10-days celebration of AEGEE’s birthday in April.
But what is most important, with other Ambassadors from different parts of Europe, you will be the main driver and motivator of AEGEE locals and members to actively participate in AEGEE Day activities and be part of a memorable, outstanding AEGEE birthday celebration!

By filling out this from until the 10th of February, 2021, 11.59 PM CET

We are looking forward to seeing you onboard with us!

If you have any question or need further clarifications, please reach us via

When: 12 March - 14 March 2021
Where: Online
Price: Free!
Participants: 20
Deadline to apply: 21 Feb 2021- 23:59 CET
Where do I apply?:
Facebook event:

Boom, boom, boom, boom...💥💥💥💥
What’s that? An explosion of knowledge that is!

The Network Commission is organizing the fourth online Network Meeting and you are all invited!

Get excited for an event that will teach you everything about: (online) recruitment, how to keep your members active, staying motivated during a pandemic, fundraising, cooperation between locals and sharing best practices .

Get ready for experiencing that real AEGEE spirit again, and BOOM(!) join the online NWM, and let the explosion of knowledge broaden your AEGEE Network.

The meeting will take place on:
🔸 Friday night (19:30-21:30 CET)
🔸 Saturday afternoon (12:00-18:00 CET)
🔸 Sunday afternoon (12:00-18:00 CET).

As Job Shadower of the Chair Team you will have a look behind the scenes on how the agenda is drafted, the workshops and progress meetings are selected, the Prytania are prepared and in general, anything else there is to prepare for a statutory event in AEGEE;

Be subscribed to the relevant mailing list and be able to follow all communication;
Also be welcomed to join us during all the upcoming online meetings that we will have for the preparation of the Agora;
Help the Chair Team by carrying out relevant tasks and activities;
Help us with managing the question lines and chairing prytania during the Agora itself;
Be in charge of managing the Agora preparation sessions.

As the position is demanding, previous experience in AEGEE is encouraged (for example in a local board or other European Body).

You can apply until 14th of February 23:59 CET

Application link ➡️

Where Does Europe End Opening Conference: APPLICATION DEADLINE NEAR!

The deadline of the opening conference has been extended from 3-02 to 10-02, which means tomorrow is your real last chance to apply!

On February 17th, 16:00, ''Where Does Europe Start?'' will be the one thing to talk about! Join the Where Does Europe End 2.0 journey from the beginning by attending our opening conference! You can apply by filling the form on our website (see link) the Deadline is February 10, 23:59 CEST.

The program consists of interesting sessions, keynote presentations and many other surprises. So are you interested in Europe? What makes a country European? Is there a European identity and what are the values? Join us for the start of our journey and we might find it out together!

Lastly, don't forget to check the Facebook event to stay updated about the programme, you can find it here:

For more information ➡️

You can still apply for the Secretary and Rapporteurs of the European Planning Meeting 2021!

The EPM 2021 will take place online, between the 26th and 28th of February. It will consist of drafting sessions and thematic workshops and debates which all should be remembered and documented.

The Secretary of the EPM will coordinate the proper course, minute-taking and documentation of the sessions, which should be done in collaboration with the Rapporteurs.

The Rapporteurs shall support the work of the Secretary of the EPM by reporting the main points of discussion and outcomes of the parallel slots. If enough people apply, you will only have to report a few of the sessions.

Please note that you do not have to be a participant of the EPM to take up any of these two positions.

To apply for either of these, please fill in this form ( until the 12th of February 2021 at 23:59 CET.

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

We are happy to introduce the new Key to Europe 2019/2020 to you! Although there was a delay due to the changes within the team, we are more than proud to share the latest version of our annual magazine and thankful to all AEGEEans that has priceless contributions!

You can access the online edition of the yearbook here -->

The Key to Europe is AEGEE’s most prominent annual publication. It sums up the previous year in various articles reflecting on the organization’s activities and gives a glimpse of AEGEE’s future during the upcoming year.

Enjoy your reading and special thanks to our team,
Maike Schulte, Ongun Batuhan Altan, Calvin Breakwell, Tim Tu, Batuhan Çarıkçı, Kutay Kaya

The Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) is an important twice-a-year conference organised by the Council of Europe. They represent the voice of the INGOs in Europe towards the Council of Europe and try to bring their ideas to the decision makers. Several leadership positions in this conference are opening up and ideally we would like AEGEE, and hence the youth of Europe, to be represented there.

The positions which are opening up include the President of the conference, the Vice-President of the conference, and elected members of the Standing Committee. You can find more information about the elections , the conference of INGOs , and the Standing Committee in the application form.

The call for candidates is open until the 26th of February, and the election conference is on the 27th and 28th of April. Please note that it is a requirement to be a delegate for AEGEE to be able to be elected.

Application link ➡️

We need your help!

Do you live in these cities or know someone who lives there?


These AEGEE locals are struggling to stay active in these times, and all they need is some new members to bring new ideas and enthusiasm! We don’t want to see them pass away, so we are ready to fight for them - are you willing to help?

Fill in the form or share it with your friends in these cities ➡️

For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact

⁣The Open call for Interim CD member is extended!

Additionally, the position of interim Financial Director has never been filled and we would like to take this opportunity to reopen this call. ⠀

Now more than ever is it time for us all, as AEGEEans, to come together and help our association to get through these tough times. The Comité Directeur is an essential organ in these efforts, so if you feel like you would be a good candidate, we encourage you to apply. We are happy to set up a call in case of any doubts or questions. ⠀

You can find more information on the call of the interim Financial director at this link ( To apply please fill in this form ( ⠀

You can find more information on the call of the interim Member of the Comité Directeur at this link ( To apply please fill in this form (⠀

The deadline for both categories is the 2nd of March at 23:59 CET.

It’s time to take action and shape the future we want!

We need your voice and unique perspective in order to identify what’s working and

What’s missing in our current educational systems to effectively equip the future generations with powerful tools to shape the future we want: inclusive, sustainable and planet-first.

The Future We Want is both a global survey initiative and virtual roundtable, and we
want all our community to be part of it.

Find the related survey here ➡️

⁣The Open call for Interim CD member is extended!

Additionally, the position of interim Financial Director has never been filled and we would like to take this opportunity to reopen this call. ⠀

Now more than ever is it time for us all, as AEGEEans, to come together and help our association to get through these tough times. The Comité Directeur is an essential organ in these efforts, so if you feel like you would be a good candidate, we encourage you to apply. We are happy to set up a call in case of any doubts or questions. ⠀

You can find more information on the call of the interim Financial director at this link ( To apply please fill in this form ( ⠀

You can find more information on the call of the interim Member of the Comité Directeur at this link ( To apply please fill in this form (⠀

The deadline for both categories is the 2nd of March at 23:59 CET.

MINT (Mental health In Non-formal education and Training) is a 4-day long online training course that aims to train trainers - on acquiring a mental health perspective during their work and role as a trainer.

For what type of trainer is this event? If you deliver with certain frequency (2 or more times per year) training courses with a duration of 3 days or more; if you deliver non-formal education sessions in you work or volunteering role on a continuous basis; if in either of these roles you have the ability to modify the courses’ learning environment and to build an atmosphere with participants; and if you meet this criteria and have a strong willingness to let this training challenge your perspective on your work and role, we are looking for you!

During the training you will contribute to develop a set of guidelines on how to integrate a mental health perspective in non-formal education.

Link to apply ➡️

8th of March is coming soon and in the Social Equity Working Group of AEGEE-Europe we have prepared a full week of activities to get ready for it

🔸 Monday: Roundtable Discussion - Women and Art: female role in the artistic works >
🔸 Tuesday: Europe Café - The Impact of COVID-19 on Women >
🔸 Wednesday: Movie Night - "When the rainbow is enuf" >
🔸 Thursday: Workshop - Gender equality through the empowerment of young women >
🔸 Friday: Feminist Friday Quiz Night >
🔸 Saturday: Panel Debate - Intersectionality in our lives >
🔸 Sunday: Book Club - “Girl, Woman, Other” by Bernardine Evaristo >

Check our social media to see more info about the activities and about the International Women's Day as we will publishing really interesting materials!

Join the purple wave and let's fight together for Women's rights!

⁣The Open call for Interim CD member is extended!

Additionally, the position of interim Financial Director has never been filled and we would like to take this opportunity to reopen this call. ⠀

Now more than ever is it time for us all, as AEGEEans, to come together and help our association to get through these tough times. The Comité Directeur is an essential organ in these efforts, so if you feel like you would be a good candidate, we encourage you to apply. We are happy to set up a call in case of any doubts or questions. ⠀

You can find more information on the call of the interim Financial director at this link ( To apply please fill in this form ( ⠀

You can find more information on the call of the interim Member of the Comité Directeur at this link ( To apply please fill in this form (⠀

The deadline for both categories is the 2nd of March at 23:59 CET.

Online Campaign and #GREENCHALLENGE by CEWG

#FRIDAYSFORFUTURE is yet again protesting to demand climate justice. On March 19 we will return with calls, initiatives, activities. You know even from home you can still protest. More info soon:

#GREENCHALLENGE. We want you to go shopping in the more sustainable way as possible: buy seasonal and regional food or be 100% plastic free! You can look for a "Zero Waste" shopping in your city, they have many amazing things. Please, take a picture of your sustainable shopping, tag us or send it to us!

Ever heard about your brave fellow AEGEEans Robert and Alex? No? These two are actually the backbones from our own AEGEE-IT-infrastructure, the servers located at CD-house in Brussels.

That's why we are searching for AEGEEans to keep an eye on them (so, also tell your friends about this amazing opportunity!). Some hints what they really like:

Server management
Monitoring/maintaining of them
Taking care of keeping them uptodate (who does not want to be up to date?)
Introduce them to new services (not to get bored)

Client management
Taking care of all their tiny sisters and brothers (client computers) of the CD/head office staff

Sounds interesting?
Then fill out the form here ( until the 18th March

This survey aims to gather an overall picture of the accessibility of European higher education for third-country national students and to assess procedures used by higher education institutions in Europe for the purpose of recognizing previously acquired competencies of third-country nationals.

Your participation in this survey will help identify the exact needs of third-country nationals seeking enrollment in European universities. Your answers will also help take the right direction in developing a standard procedure for universities to make higher education more accessible for third-country nationals and ensure fast and smooth admission without unnecessary complications.

Find the survey itself via this link 👉

This survey can be filled until 21st March 2021.

Dear AEGEEans,

Are you passionate about AEGEE Events and you want to help the Network?

We have an amazing opportunity for you!

Apply now to join the team of Events Quality Assurance Committee to contribute to events’ management improvement and make events in AEGEE better!

Despite the current situation, we assure you, the ideas and projects aren’t lacking! Here are some things you could be working on if you join our team:
Events Reform
EQAC Visibility
Coordination of Online Events
Online Event Support

Application link ➡️

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at