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AEGEE-Europe News | Updates |Open-calls

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The new year is here, all of us are slowly going back to the usual tasks, but we are here to remind you that deadline to apply for Online EPM is almost over!

If you want to hear interesting facts about the circular economy, be part of inspiring panel discussions and to contribute to AEGEE’s future, EPM is the right place for you!

Bring your ideas to make fresh actions along with AEGEEans from all over Europe and let’s draft the new Action Agenda.
Participate in the EPM and experience another motivating AEGEE event.

You can apply until Apply for the EPM until the 8th of January, 23.59 CET at

Hey AEGEEan!

This time you’ll achieve your New Year’s resolutions for 2021! If you wished to become more active inside of AEGEE… this is your opportunity!

Do you have a lot of ideas to spread all along the rails? Or do you rather consider yourself a route master? Then, join the Europe on Track team and get on the Activism Express! We’re looking for two content assistants and one route manager.

You can find more detailed information and application form here ➡️

Deadline for the application is 10th January 2021 23:59 CET!

The Comité Directeur is looking for a new Finance Officer of AEGEE-Europe!

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

So if you want to get an understanding of the finances of a large international organisation;

Gain more experience in accounting and working with big budgets;
are passionate about the topic and would like to come up with innovative ways to make our financial management more efficient and cost effective...

You are the perfect candidate!

Apply by filling the form before the 15th of January 2021 at midnight CET.

Application form ➡️

More information can be found in the

Open Call document here ➡️

We will be more than happy to answer any of your potential questions at

As you probably remember, during this Summer previous AEGEE Survey team launched AEGEE Member Survey which was done after months of preparation and testing. To remind you, the AEGEE Survey is still ongoing. A short questionnaire through which we aim at measuring the general impact of our activities and identifying the profile of the average AEGEE member in 2020.

Why is this survey IMPORTANT?

To identify the ways in which AEGEE influences the personal and professional development of young people;
To tailor the activities of AEGEE based on the results;
To sell to partners and grant donors the profile of our membership (also at local level)
To understand the evolution of our membership in this time. The last survey we had was conducted in 2013. That’s 7 years without data!

Filling in the AEGEE Survey takes approximately 10 minutes. That’s the same time it would take you to cook the pasta so use those 10 minutes to contribute to the greater good of AEGEE.

Survey Link ➡️

⁣Time is running out! Last Day to apply for EPM2021 📝📣

If you want to hear interesting facts about the circular economy, be part of inspiring panel discussions and to contribute to AEGEE’s future, EPM is the right place for you! ⠀ ⠀

Bring your ideas to make fresh actions along with AEGEEans from all over Europe and let’s draft the new Action Agenda.

Participate in the EPM and experience another motivating AEGEE event.

You can apply until Apply for the EPM until the 8th of January, 23.59 CET at

The Sustainability Committee is looking for new members!

Are you interested in sustainability? We are currently looking for motivated team members that can help in the following projects:

Event Support: Collaborating with organisers of events such as Agorae, EPMs, Summer Universities and NWMs to implement sustainable practices

Locals Support: Collaborating with locals to improve the sustainability of local activities, developing Green Guidelines and other manuals

Measurement: Measuring AEGEE’s contributions towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the sustainability of the network

CD Support: Helping CD to implement sustainable measures such as travel reimbursement guidelines, (dissemination of) tools & knowledge, changing banks etc.

In addition, all of our members can help with giving workshops.

Apply by filling out this application form ( until 24 January!

Contact us via if you have any questions

We are happy to announce the Open Call for members of the COVID-19 task force! Following the Progress Meeting during the Autumn Agora, and the consultation and coordination work with the relevant European Bodies, we still believe there is a need for supporting AEGEE-Europe while the pandemic and its effects are ongoing.

What will be their tasks?

Assisting the Comité Directeur with further creation and implementation of the COVID-19 Strategy
Assisting the Comité Directeur with communication with the Network
Advising the Comité Directeur and the European Bodies on decisions related to COVID-19

The tasks and purposes of this task force should be flexible, as the pandemic has proved itself rather unpredictable.

What will be the composition of the task force?

Up to 7 members where we will look for a diverse representation from the entire Network.

How to apply?
By filling in this form ( until the 28th of January 2021 at 23:59 CET

The Comité Directeur is looking for a new Finance Officer of AEGEE-Europe!

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

So if you want to get an understanding of the finances of a large international organisation;

Gain more experience in accounting and working with big budgets;
are passionate about the topic and would like to come up with innovative ways to make our financial management more efficient and cost effective...

You are the perfect candidate!

Apply by filling the form before the 15th of January 2021 at midnight CET.

Application form ➡️

More information can be found in the

Open Call document here ➡️

We will be more than happy to answer any of your potential questions at

Strategy Committee brings an amazing opportunity for your local!

Organise a session and make a significant contribution to the Action Agenda 2021-2022!

Local drafting is a chance for your members to develop strategic skills, to be heard and to propose ideas that will be a base for the drafting of Action Agenda in the EPM 2021.

What to do?
Gather some members of your local
Discuss your ideas using the session available
Send the outcomes to us and have an impact on Action Agenda 2021/2022!

You can find all materials here ➡️

In case of any questions, you can always contact

Dear AEGEEan,

Are you interested in non-formal education? Do you want to participate in Europe on Track and deliver workshops in our Training for Ambassadors and Final Conference among other events?

Then, become a Superhero Trainer!

We will provide you with food, accommodation and travel reimbursements. Plus you will receive a salary for this experience!

Don't hesitate to apply now!

Applicaitons are open until 22nd January 2021, 23:59 CET!

Application link ➡️

Dear AEGEEans,

Are you interested in joining European Bodies or just curious to know what they are doing? Do you want to contribute to our organization on a European level? If yes, then the European Bodies of AEGEE will be at your disposal this coming Friday and Saturday, on 22-23 January at the European Bodies Days.

During the two-day fair, you will have the chance to:
Get to know with various European Bodies,
Ask European Bodies of your interest questions,
Get all information and updates on their work,
Have fun and maybe beat European Bodies in different games,
And most importantly, show your motivation to join the European Bodies!

European Bodies are excited to see you this Friday 17:00-20:00 CET and Saturday 11:00-13:00 CET!

For more information check the Facebook event:

Google Meet link:
Discord link:

Does your local want to work on the topic of Climate Emergency?

Do you want to learn more about Climate Emergency together with other aegeeans?

Do you want to organise activities and events and look for other locals and people interested in that?

This year AEGEE is launching a brand-new project to develop the network’s involvement regarding the thematics and Focus Areas. It is just a pilot for the moment but we truly think it can gain lots of success and become very interesting for the locals around the continent.

Application link ➡️

For any kind of questions, contact

On 29th of December, a 6.3 earthquake hit central Croatia and left immense damage. Seven people died and tousands of families lost their homes. Afterschocks still keep hapening daily while people struggle to keep their mental health during these difficult times.

Many countries showed great compassion and donated mobile homes for families who were left homeless and many still volunteer to help them rebuild their houses. Despite many donations and great help, lots of people still don't have enough to completely rebuild their homes and go back to the way they were. This is YOUR opportunity to help.
AEGEE-Zagreb presents Charity fundraiser Trivia quiz!

Invite your friends, test your knowledge and spend a fun night with young people from all over Europe, all while helping Croatian people in need.

Deadline to apply 21.01.2021

Application link ➡️

The Comité Directeur is looking for a new Finance Officer of AEGEE-Europe!

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

So if you want to get an understanding of the finances of a large international organisation;

Gain more experience in accounting and working with big budgets;
are passionate about the topic and would like to come up with innovative ways to make our financial management more efficient and cost effective...

You are the perfect candidate!

Apply by filling the form before the 27th of January 2021 at midnight CET.

Application form ➡️

More information can be found in the

Open Call document here ➡️

We will be more than happy to answer any of your potential questions at

You like taking minutes and and are a well organised person? You enjoy working in a team and being in a position of responsibility? Then join the Chair Team! The Secretary will be part of the Chair Team together with (Vice-) Chairpersons and IT of the Agora and be co-responsible for Spring Agora Yerevan 2021.

The Secretary is expected to:
- take part in the preparation for the Agora as part of the Chair Team (up to discussion)
- take minutes during Plenaries and some Prytania
- coordinate Secretary Assistants
- be responsible for the minutes and remain responsible for necessary changes

In accordance with CIA minutes of the Agora shall be sent to the Comité Directeur not later than two months after the Agora.

Deadline to apply is 25th of January 23:59 CET

Link to apply ➡️

The Comité Directeur is looking for a new Finance Officer of AEGEE-Europe!

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

So if you want to get an understanding of the finances of a large international organisation;

Gain more experience in accounting and working with big budgets;
are passionate about the topic and would like to come up with innovative ways to make our financial management more efficient and cost effective...

You are the perfect candidate!

Apply by filling the form before the 27th of January 2021 at midnight CET.

Application form ➡️

More information can be found in the

Open Call document here ➡️

We will be more than happy to answer any of your potential questions at


''Where Does Europe Start?''. This is the theme of the WDEE2.0 opening conference. Together we will look at how Europe has been shaped by the people who live here and what European identity means.

Do you want to experience a day with interesting speeches and workshops from a variety of European speakers? The conference will be held on 17th of February from 16:00-20:00

Apply to join the opening conference until February 3rd, 23:59 CEST by filling the form.

Application link ➡️

Make sure to follow our social media and the Facebook Event to stay updated on the programme.

Dear AEGEEans,

The European Planning Meeting (EPM) is approaching , in which you will be able to draft the Action Agenda of the Focus Areas for the following year.

We would like to ensure that participants have the knowledge and are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge on the Focus Areas. That’s why all Working Groups have prepared Focus Areas sessions.

Don’t miss the dates:

💚Climate Emergency ➡️ 06/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET
❤️Political Activism ➡️ 09/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET
💛Mental Health ➡️ 10/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET
💜Social Equity ➡️ 12/02/2021 ; 18:00 CET

Facebook event ➡️

See you there!

Do you want to organise a training event, but you lack trainers to do so? In such case, do not hesitate to contact the board of AEGEE-Academy and we will do our best to find a matching trainer for you!

All you need to do is fill out the form that you will find in the official ‘’Request a
Training/Trainer‘’ page on the website of AEGEE-Academy.

We highly recommend you to contact us at least a month before the event and if you have any questions you can always contact us via email at

We are looking forward to provide you an unforgettable Non-Formal Education experience!

Related Link ➡️

AEGEE’s 36th birthday is coming up on the 16th of April and here is your opportunity to become the AEGEE Day Ambassador!

Our beloved organization deserves to celebrate its birthday in the most creative and fun way possible, bringing the whole AEGEE Network together!

As an Ambassador you will join the creative project team of AEGEE Day 2021 to coordinate the massive 10-days celebration of AEGEE’s birthday in April.
But what is most important, with other Ambassadors from different parts of Europe, you will be the main driver and motivator of AEGEE locals and members to actively participate in AEGEE Day activities and be part of a memorable, outstanding AEGEE birthday celebration!

By filling out this from until the 10th of February, 2021, 11.59 PM CET

We are looking forward to seeing you onboard with us!

If you have any question or need further clarifications, please reach us via

When: 12 March - 14 March 2021
Where: Online
Price: Free!
Participants: 20
Deadline to apply: 21 Feb 2021- 23:59 CET
Where do I apply?:
Facebook event:

Boom, boom, boom, boom...💥💥💥💥
What’s that? An explosion of knowledge that is!

The Network Commission is organizing the fourth online Network Meeting and you are all invited!

Get excited for an event that will teach you everything about: (online) recruitment, how to keep your members active, staying motivated during a pandemic, fundraising, cooperation between locals and sharing best practices .

Get ready for experiencing that real AEGEE spirit again, and BOOM(!) join the online NWM, and let the explosion of knowledge broaden your AEGEE Network.

The meeting will take place on:
🔸 Friday night (19:30-21:30 CET)
🔸 Saturday afternoon (12:00-18:00 CET)
🔸 Sunday afternoon (12:00-18:00 CET).