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✈️📖💡📢🙋🏻‍♂️AEGEE | European Students’ Forum

AEGEE-Europe News | Updates |Open-calls

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Who are we looking for?
We are looking for motivated AEGEEans with a special interest in external relations and possible previous experience with the organisation they would be working with. They should be proficient in English, proficiency in another official language of the organisation they would be working with is of advantage. They should be proactive and self sufficient in their tasks, even though they will be supported by the Comité Directeur.

What are the available associations?
Currently, AEGEE has appointed Liaison officers towards:
BEST (Board of European Students of Technology)
ASEF (Asia Europe Foundation)
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
UN Women
Therefore we are currently looking to cover the above mentioned organisation and additionally:
European Youth Forum (YFJ)
LLLP (Lifelong Learning Platform)
JEF (Young European Federalists)
ESN (Erasmus Students Network).

Application link:

Last SUnday we had our first Online Discussion about the SU Reform. The topic was #ORGANIZATION and we had the oppotunity to talk about the main problems and possible solutions.

If you want to know more read the outcome booklet. For any comment and feedback, you can sand any email to

Next topic #PROMOTION, see you next SUndat at 18:00 CEST!

More information here ➡️

Dear AEGEEan,

We would like to invite you to the open call of the Human Resource Committee of AEGEE-Europe.

The projects we will be working on are:
European Body support
Knowledge management
Local support
Personal development

Be sure to check out further details on those projects and HRC here ➡️

Deadline is 22nd of September
Application link ➡️

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on mail,

Dear AEGEEans,

As Online Autumn Agora is approaching, we are looking for Chair Team Assistants to support the Chair Team!

You will have the following tasks (you can pick up those you are interested in):

Assist Secretary of the Agora, take minutes on your own during a Prytanium and work out the minutes of this session after the Agora has finished!
Help out with streaming of the sessions;
Manage the platform for visitors;
Assist a Chairperson of a session with managing Agora platform and coordinate participants who have been granted speaking rights;
Support Chair Team with on-the-spot tasks.

Apply here: 📝

Deadline: 23rd of September 23:59 CEST 📅

In case of questions – do not hesitate and write to

Dear AEGEE locals,

AEGEE-Europe and SUCT are currently working on a project application for an European Youth Foundation and we are looking for locals to take part in it!

The project’s main aim is to raise awareness among young people around the topic of sustainable, inclusive and active intercultural exchange opportunities and it is planned to last from January 2021 to December 2021.

To apply, fill this form by 22th of September, 23:59 CET.

Application form:

Are you a pro in gender equality?
Do you care about offering an inclusive environment for all members of your organisations?
Do you want to share your experience and learn from others?

Then this online seminar is for you!

The online seminar will include:
Learning the basics of gender mainstreaming in youth work through concrete examples in the areas of language, audiovisual communication, HR management, teamwork, and leadership.
Peer-to-peer learning on gender equality and gender mainstreaming practices for youth workers, youth leaders, volunteers and anyone working with diverse groups of people.
Sharing of concrete and practical ideas, which will make your work easier and bring your organisation to the next level.

Deadline to apply ➡️ 24th of September

Application link:

For any questions regarding the online training, contact

Dear AEGEE locals,

We're here once again, and we need you for another awesome edition of Europe on Track!

You can send us your application to be one of the Hosting Locals of EoT8!

Apply now and make sure that you are going to be part of this exciting train journey!

Dates of the events ➡️ April-May 2021

Applicaiton link ➡️

Deadline to apply is 30th of September 23.59 CEST

Contact for any kind of questions

Dear Network,

As of Friday, the Pre-Agora Voting for the Autumn Agora 2020 is open. Delegates are able to cast their votes until the 6th of October at 23:59 CEST.

The Pre-Agora Voting only produces valid results if the quorum of 50% of the Ordinary members of AEGEE-Europe is reached, so we encourage all delegates who haven't already done so to cast their votes.

Participants of the Agora have received a mail containing more details.

Good luck with your Agora preparations!
Your Juridical Commission

Dear AEGEE locals,

Do you feel like a physical journey isn't enough?
Would you like to be part of Europe on Track even if you cannot organise events in person? We have the solution for you!

You can send us your application to be one of the Online Hosting Locals of EoT8!

Apply now and make sure you are going to be part of the exciting remote journey!

Date of the events ➡️ April/May 2021

Deadline to apply ➡️ 12th of October, 23:59 CEST

Apply here ➡️

Contact for any kind of questions.
🔷 This year was really difficult for most of us, we all had to face different kinds of struggles due to the pandemic and seen the effects of this period on mental health. Today is a really important day to remember at all times but this year it is even more special.⠀

As AEGEE-Europe, we would like to acknowledge the importance of taking care of our mental health and highlight the urgent need for increased investment in mental health care. ⠀

You can check our work on the topic by following 👉 Mental Health of AEGEE-Europe ⠀

#WorldMentalHealthDay #StrongerTogether #AEGEE

Dear AEGEEans,

During Online Agora AEGEE Inspire session will take place! Now we are looking for people who want to tell their story!

What could it be:
Some interesting or funny episode from AEGEE life;
An instructive AEGEE story that taught you something;
Motivating AEGEE story.

You will have +/- 10 minutes, depending on the number of storytellers. Presentation or any other storytelling technique can be used.

AEGEE Inspire will take place 18th of October from 12:00 - 13:30.

Application link ➡️

We are very happy to announce the open call for the AEGEE Day Project Team to coordinate the celebration of AEGEE’s 36th birthday!

To get everyone ready for this day full of awesome activities all over Europe, we are looking for a coordination team to work together with us on the content and preparation.
To be specific, we are looking for:

Project Manager, responsible for the project management, main communication and impact measurement of the project.
Content Manager, responsible for the creation of guidelines and other materials to help locals contribute to the AEGEE day.
Public Relations Responsible, responsible for the PR campaign, social media management, promotional materials and assisting the Project Manager for the impact measurement.
Financial Manager, responsible for the financial field of the project.
Video Editor, responsible for gathering materials and work on editing the promotional video for the Project.

Application form ➡️

Dear AEGEEans,

The Social Equity Working Group is looking for a new member. If you are passionate about the topic and you want to work with our team for the rest of the term, apply now!

The new Focus Areas derive from the Strategic Plan 2020/2023 and the yearly actions can be found in the Action Agenda 2020/2021 so feel welcome to check them out here:

So do you…
🟣 Want to work in an international team and be part of a European Body?
🟣 Have a proactive approach to work and interest in the topic of social equity?
🟣 Want to develop yourself, the whole AEGEE Network and others?

Apply until Sunday 28th of October 2020 23:59 CET and become part of the Social Equity Working Group!

Application form ➡️

If you have any questions or doubts you can contact us:
Facebook and Instagram: @se.aegee

We are looking forward to seeing your applications!

Dear Network,

The Agora is right around the corner. As always you have an opportunity to follow all sessions regardless of your role. 💻

🟡 Only participants (delegates and envoys) can attend plenaries and prytania directly. Invitation links have been sent out already. If you are not a participant but still interested you can follow the sessions via streaming on our discord server.
🟡 Content sessions (progress meetings and workshops) are open for everyone and everyone can participate. Progress meetings will also be streamed.
🟡 The Agora is also a place to meet old friends and make new ones. We have Social activities organised by amazing hosts to offer you a diverse program in the evenings.

Check out the overview of all the sessions which are open to the Network for all the links and information needed ➡️

See you during the sessions!

The open call for members of the Financial Report 19-20 Task Force has launched!

We’re looking for up to 5 members to help the Agora elected member (Rik Smale) and CD 57 with improving the report on the financial year of 2019-2020.

We’re looking for people with relevant financial knowledge and with good availability for the next two months.

You can apply until the 27th of October, 23:59 CEST!

Application form:

For any kind of questions contact:

Dear AEGEEans,

Europe on Track is organizing 4 routes this year, and to make this edition even better, we need YOUR HELP! Take part in our Crowdfunding Campaign

If you support us, we will offer you our new exclusive merch and the opportunity to get an Interrail ticket for going on a real EuroTrip.

Also, we have special discounts for locals!
Go to and discover all our options!

For any kind of questions contact ➡️

Dear AEGEEan,

Are you passionate about AEGEE Events?🤔

Have you enjoyed attending and organising events and want to help others do the same?

Do you have ideas on how the system could be improved?💡

We have an amazing opportunity for you!

Apply now to join the team of Events Quality Assurance Committee to contribute to events’ management improvement and make events in AEGEE better!😎

Deadline 08.11.2020

Link to apply ➡️

For any kind of questions contact ➡️

Are you an active member in European level?

Do you want to participate in a training specialized to your needs and level in the association?

If so, you should definitely join the Online European Bodies European School.

This event prepares and further develops you in European Level!

We are all responsible for our own self-development and constantly asking ourselves how we can deliver better results, we all want to have an impact but often times we get into situations that get overwhelming without support in terms of training and exchange with people who find themselves in similar situations.

This is why we need to train ourselves for a better future for all!

Find more information about the event here ➡️

Link to apply ➡️

Dear SU-Lovers,

The Summer University Project is looking for its new Coordination Team!


Are your ready for a new adventure?

Do you want to contribute your ideas to this amazing project?

Don´t be afraid & apply!😍

More information about tasks & positions:

Link to apply ➡️

For any kind of questions contact ➡️

Another online general assembly of our association is over and we would like to thank you for your contribution and support.

However, there is still an essential part of our team missing. Hereby, we would like to announce the open call for the position of the Interim Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe.

The Interim member of the Comité Directeur will be a full member with all the rights and obligations of a regular member, except they will not have voting rights within the team.

What will be your portfolio?

Financial management of the association - approving costs and executing payments as per the Financial rules of AEGEE-Europe;
Bookkeeping and cooperation with the external accountant of AEGEE-Europe;
Budgeting for European Bodies
Establishing and maintaining corporate partnerships;
Grant writing skills/experience are of relevance;
General Board member tasks, such as supervising various projects and European bodies.

Applicaiton link ➡️

Do you want to know how you can contribute in the transition towards a just and circular economy? Discover how different aspects of the circular economy are connected with themes like social equity, activism and entrepreneurship! Do you want to contribute to the strategic planning of AEGEE-Europe? Then this is the perfect event for you!

EPM (European Planning Meeting) consists of two parts - a thematic conference and the drafting of the Action Agenda. In the conference part, AEGEEans attend workshops, panels and presentations on a specific topic, this year the Circular Economy. In the drafting part, AEGEEans are able to contribute and create the Action Agenda - a yearly plan for the implementation of the Focus Areas in AEGEE.

If you have any questions about this event, do not hesitate to contact the Comité Directeur ( or the Local Organisers (

Deadline ➡️ 27th of November 23:59 CET

Application Link ➡️