One Daily Nugget
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We comb through the most inspirational and insightful articles ever published to find one self-improvement nugget every day!

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Issue #1029: Travel Advice From Flight Attendants

If you’re looking for travel advice, there’s no better place to look than the crew that makes it all possible, Zachary Mack argues in today’s nugget, published by BestLife.

He is referring, of course, to flight attendants. Indeed, from what to pack and when to fly to how not to irritate the staff, they’ve got you covered.

Read on to learn more!

10 Travel Hacks From Former Flight Attendants

BestLife • 6-minute read
Issue #1030: Tim Ferriss on Fear-Setting

“What’s the worst that could happen?” A seemingly innocuous question, but, for those who are prone to fear, a potentially liberating one.

In today’s nugget, Tim Ferriss walks us through his monthly “Fear-Setting” exercise, which is designed to understand the potential outcomes of life choices, with a focus on what could go wrong; the steps to prevent these outcomes; and how to recover if they occur.

Read on to learn more!

Fear-Setting: The Most Valuable Exercise I Do Every Month

The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss • 13-minute read
Issue #1031: Tim Urban on Clueyness

Have you ever felt cluey? If you don’t know what we’re talking about, it’s probably because Tim Urban, writing on his Wait But Why blog, has invented this term.

We are confident, however, that, after reading today’s nugget, you will agree that it was indeed a missing adjective in the English dictionary.

Clueyness: A Weird Kind of Sad

Wait But Why • 6-minute read
Issue #1032: There’s Less Competition Than You Think

Doesn’t it sometimes seem as if there’s too much competition for what you are trying to achieve? For example, too many candidates for a job you are applying for, or too many startups competing in the same niche.

In today’s nugget, published by The Art of Manliness, Brett and Kate McKay argue that there is much less competition than you imagine — provided you mean business and are persistent.

Read on to learn more!

The Surprising Thinness of the Competitive Crowd

The Art of Manliness • 2-minute read
Issue #1033: A Case for Putting Your Smartphone Away

Smartphones help connect us globally. They allow us to meet new people as well as keep in touch with old friends from all over the world.

But, as Shane O'Mara points out in today’s nugget, published by Psychology Today, they can also degrade the quality of our local, personal interactions and the satisfaction derived from them.

Kudos to Nuggeteer Kyle Daryll Sanchez, who found another gem and shared it with our curation team!

Life Advice: Put Your Phone Away, Please

Psychology Today • 2-minute read
Hi Nuggeteers! We hope you enjoyed our nuggets last week!

As always, let's take our traditional weekly poll to find out which nugget was your favorite. (Remember that you can vote for more than one option.)
By the way, you might be wondering who won our last weekly poll. We have two winners, and they are...

Parenting Advice: Don't Kill Them,
Value is created by doing

If you haven't had a chance to read them yet, check them out!
Issue #1034: A.J. Jacobs on the Importance of Self-Delusion

We first stumbled on A. J. Jacobs in issue 633 of One Daily Nugget, when he reported on his personal experiment in "radical honesty".

In today's nugget, Jacobs is back with another thought-provoking piece. This time, he argues that self-delusion is critical to entrepreneurial success.

Read on to learn why!

An Entrepreneur's Most Important Tool: Self-Delusion

LinkedIn • 5-minute read
Issue #1035: Paul Graham on Remaining an Expert

As the rate of change keeps accelerating, whatever expertise you’ve built risks becoming obsolete.

How do you know which beliefs of yours remain valid and which have become outdated? How do you stay on the cutting edge in a changing world?

In today’s nugget, Paul Graham shares a few insightful tips.

Read on to learn more!

How to Be an Expert in a Changing World

Paul Graham Essays • 5-minute read
Issue #1036: James Clear on Goals vs. Systems

“Prevailing wisdom claims that the best way to achieve what we want in life is to set specific, actionable goals,” James Clear writes in today’s nugget.

But, as he goes on to point out, whereas setting goals is indeed useful for ensuring that you are headed into the right direction, you need systems rather than goals to actually propel you forward.

Read on to learn more!

Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead.

James Clear • 5-minute read
Issue #1037: Lessons on Love and Vulnerability From a Middle School Dance

In order to maintain a loving intimacy in your relationship, it’s important to be vulnerable, Henry Sawatzky argues in today’s nugget, published by The Gottman Institute.

This requires you to overcome your fear of rejection or embarrassment. Just like at your middle school dances, remember?

Read on to learn more!

Keep Asking Your Partner to Dance

The Gottman Institute • 4-minute read
Issue #1038: How to Maintain Psychological Stability During Crises

In times of crisis, it’s easy to feel disoriented, tense, and anxious. Today’s nugget, published by the Academy of Ideas, equips us with strategies to avoid a psychological breakdown during such times.

Read on to learn more!

How to Fortify the Mind in Times of Crisis

Academy of Ideas • 7-minute read
Issue #1039: How Much Should You Praise Your Kids?

Conventional wisdom has it that excessive praise will turn your children into entitled brats. Does science back this up? In today’s nugget, published by Aeon, Carlin Flora takes a closer look.

Read on to learn more!

Praise them!

Aeon • 10-minute read
Issue #1040: Derek Sivers on the Right Kind of Persistence

We’ve all heard about the importance of persistence,” Derek Sivers writes in today’s nugget. But many of us misunderstand how to be persistent.

It’s not about keeping at it when things aren’t working. It’s about relentlessly improving and inventing until you hit on something that does work.

Read on to learn more!

If it’s not a hit, switch

Derek Sivers • 1-minute read
Hey Nuggeteers! We hope you liked our daily nuggets for the past week!

Let's now take our traditional weekly poll to find out which nugget you enjoyed the most. (Remember that you can vote for more than one option.)
By the way, you might be wondering who won our last weekly poll. We had two winners:

Fear-Setting: The Most Valuable Exercise I Do Every Month
Life Advice: Put Your Phone Away, Please

If you haven’t had a chance to read them yet, check them out!
Issue #1041: Walk 4,400 Steps a Day

Conventional wisdom has it that we should be walking 10,000 steps a day. It certainly can’t hurt. But in today’s issue of One Daily Nugget, published by NPR, Allison Aubrey clarifies that you already get most of the benefits with as few as 4,400 steps.

Read on to learn more!

10,000 Steps A Day? How Many You Really Need To Boost Longevity

NPR • 2-minute read
Issue #1042: Start With Not-Yet-Amazing

We all like to produce amazing work. But, as Seth Godin points out in today’s nugget, setting the bar too high might discourage you from getting started in the first place.

Read on to learn more!

Overcoming the impossibility of amazing

Seth’s Blog • 1-minute read