Communist Workers’ Organisation
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"Across the world working class people are being slaughtered, from endless battles in the Ukraine, to mass murder in Israel, to ethnic cleansing in Gaza. The USA and EU are making one military bloc, and China, Russia and Iran are moving to make another. As the working class becomes increasingly impoverished and many of us can now barely afford to eat or heat our homes – and as environmental disaster approaches ever-closer on the horizon – the future looks bleak. The answer cannot be support for cross-class alliances in the mistaken belief that national liberation equals self-determination and a progressive step forward."
"The wars that capitalism is now unleashing, and the ones yet to come, are a product of the imperialist epoch. Our understanding of what imperialism means is based on more than a century of experience and reflection. Much of that we owe to revolutionaries who came before us, and in that spirit we have translated the piece below, drafted in the midst of the First World War."
"As the death toll in Gaza grows, many of the victims children, the double standards of imperialist realpolitik are laid bare. For our ruling classes, some lives are worth more than others. It is economic, political and military alliances which decide what atrocities get talked about and where."
"In short, governments attack the living standards of the workers at home with repression and austerity policies that gut social spending, justifying their assaults in the name of so-called “national defense”, which has always been the defense of the bosses’ political and economic regime, while they attack our working-class brothers and sisters in other countries with bullets and bombs! Experiencing such constant attacks on their living conditions, workers can only respond as they have so far: through class struggle. But this revival in workers’ combativity is quickly coming up against the institutions of the system, whose function in this situation is to prevent open class struggle from breaking out."
"Despite the obstacles, class unity of all sectors of the working class regardless of national origin is the only route out of the upswing of wars which our rulers are already imposing on us, and which are a prelude to a wider conflagration that would engulf the world. This alone is the basis for a fight of the global working class for a new system of production where we stop fighting each other, abolish national borders and start producing collectively for human need instead of profit."
"This year’s COP, the annual UN climate change conference where emissions targets are debated and set, is being held in the UAE. That this is one of the world’s largest oil producers, is an excellent example of the blatant hypocrisy of the international political and economic ruling class. Oil and gas companies have an outsized presence at the COP events in order to show that the petrochemical giants take the problem seriously – and also to ensure that no resolutions are taken which could seriously affect their bottom lines."
"Wage cuts, precarious jobs, collapsing health service, school buildings falling down, inflation, widespread poverty and deprivation experienced by large swathes of the country – that’s the state we are in. Of course, the government is not interested in solving these issues. Both parties have become too lazy or incompetent to even pretend to help, preferring instead to compete over idiotic culture-war issues while calamities pile up around them. The crooks who run our water companies are dumping sewage into our waterways while they line their pockets with public money, decades of neglect have left our schools at a literal risk of collapse, and now even basic goods are becoming unaffordable."
"Any successful fightback will have to unite workers not only in their own workplaces but across industries and ultimately across national borders, as a global working class with the same interests and conditions. But as long as capitalism exists, any concessions won will only be temporary. Unions will never support the abolition of wage labour or the struggle for communist society and no change in leadership will change that. The only thing that can truly end the horror of capitalism is the overthrow of the capitalist class and the creation of a new society, based on production for human need. Resisting the attacks on our standard of living, taking our struggles into our own hands beyond the union framework, is the first step in the struggles to come."
"November 1943 saw the birth of the Internationalist Communist Party (PCInt) whilst in December 1983 the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP), the forerunner of our Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT), was founded. To acknowledge these anniversaries we have updated this introduction to our history."
Internationalism is never more crucial than during wartime. In this meeting, we'll give an overview of internationalism and what it means to communists; we'll provide a history of the relation between Marxism, our tendency, and nationalist war; we will bring this context to today's situation and the current imperialist proxy wars; and we'll discuss what can be done by internationalists in the face of these wars.
"As 2024 begins, the world seems a terrible place. Centre stage of course is the carnage in Gaza, where the brutal assault by Hamas on Israel on 7 October 2023, and Israel’s massive and pitiless retaliation, have left tens of thousands dead at time of writing, possibly at a ratio of 20:1 in terms of Palestinian to Israeli dead."
"1924 was a crucial year for the destiny of the Russian revolution, for the Third International and for the outcome of the not yet exhausted international revolution. It was now the seventh year of isolation for the soviets in Russia and none of the major economic and political hurdles for their revolutionary survival had been overcome. Meanwhile many other events had occurred since October 1917, first of all limiting the experience and eventually distorting its whole tactical and final objectives. Inevitably this whole process created centrifugal pressures: a whole variety of political currents and opinions which would give rise to serious oppositions."
"It has now been 100 years since Lenin’s body was embalmed and put on public display in Moscow, a grotesque gesture from a “red” bourgeoisie which went hand in hand with the systematic distortion of Lenin’s real contribution to the socialist movement. Times have changed and the Russian state no longer considers Lenin to be its “founding father”, instead holding him personally responsible for the disintegration of its Empire, while in many countries of the former Eastern Bloc statues of Lenin are being taken down as part of “de-communisation”. As such, the centenary of Lenin’s death will hardly be a blip in the grand scheme of things. However, in today’s world of crisis and war, the idea of “communism” seems more popular than it has been for decades, particularly among the young generations. So for those who see the need for a world beyond capitalism, this equivocal anniversary is an occasion to revisit the man whose name became inescapably wrapped up with the idea of “communism”."
"In previous articles, we have criticised those responses of the capitalist left to the war in Ukraine which have "either been outright support for one or the other of the imperialist fronts (NATO or Russia), or a fake pacifism which hides the same positions." We argued that such positions only serve to divert the working class from the struggle for socialism, a world without war. What we haven't addressed in as much detail are those in the Trotskyist, Stalinist, and Maoist milieu who have attempted to put forward an ostensibly internationalist position."
"While the international bourgeoisie write the script for an increasingly generalised imperialist conflict, which they all hope will revitalise their economy at the expense of their rivals, the consequences of the death agony of their system is suffered above all by the world’s workers. Over-exploited in times of peace, massacred in times of war, the working class alone offers the only path to the end of the nightmare."
"We are in the foothills of world war. What is happening to the population in Kharkiv, Kherson or Gaza today is a taste of what could be coming to a street near us in the not too distant future. Imperialist war means total war. This is not just a war between two armies or even between two states but between two imperialist interests. And those interests are the interests of the rich everywhere. It makes sense for them to fight for “the country”. After all, they own it. It makes no sense for workers who own only personal property, and their ability to work to make profits for the capitalists."
Capitalism is pushing us to war. From Ukraine to Gaza, Yemen and beyond, powers large and small are enrolling workers to kill and die in defence of the interests of capital as their system is unable to throw of its permanent economic crisis. The British state – along with other NATO partners – is now openly warning the population that a new World War is coming. Parties right and left urge us to support this or that warring faction but the interests of the workers are global not local. We have no property to defend and no nation is worth one drop of workers' blood. The only war that workers have any interest in is the class war. In this meeting, we'll give an overview of how we see the current imperialist proxy wars and how they relate to the 'crisis of capitalism', and we'll discuss what can be done by workers in the face of these wars.
"The 28th climate change summit known as Conference of the Parties (COP28) was held in December 2023 and was even more of a farce than any of the previous 27 conferences. While the world is now undeniably facing a catastrophic climate crisis, which if unchecked will lead to the collapse of civilisation or even extinction of Homo sapiens, our leaders have made clear that they are not prepared to do anything serious about this if such action threatens the profitability or the accumulation of capital."