Crypto Animals
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Channel name was changed to «Crypto Animals»
Teterevaus is the son of a black grouse and an ostrich. Desperately trying to get at least a tree, but so far none of them could not perch, not breaking off branches. In short, he is unusually stubborn and terribly stupid.

Teterevaus has black plumage, powerful ostrich feet, and a bald head with a scallop.
Crypto animals on Ethereum Classic
- Go to
- Click the Adopt button on the animal of interest.
- See the instruction for interaction with the classic smart contract
- If you are the owner of an animal and someone else buys the same breed of animal, you are charged a commission,
indicated in column Earn
-The price for an animal starts at 0.1 Ether Classic
Be first! Make a profit!
- You can get your reward by calling the getReward function of the contract, from the wallet to which the animal is attached with Erc721 token.
Soon will be added meta mask plugin..
Full animals adopting and breeding instruction
Added preview of your animals with metamask and parity