Covid Vaccine Adverse Reactions
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A historical time capsule showing how the truth about Covid “vaccine” adverse reactions was revealed and suppressed day by day. This channel seeks to warn the seeker and provide resources to the world in overcoming the criminal element behind the nihilism
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Cuomo Admits To Being "Vaccine" Injured While Interviewing "Vaccine" Injured Nurse Practitioner
featured in NYT

Nurse Practitioner, Sean Barcavage, who was featured in the NYT article on the Covid vaccine injured this week, details the familiar story of what he went through having people turn on him once he was injured after his first dose and even more after an i'll advised booster. Sean has nuerological issues and tachycardia stemming from autoantibodies.

Cuomo who was part of the censorship regime that overly ridiculed those not taking the "vaccine" admitted he too is experiencing side effects from the shot.

“Sean, I can’t help you because I’m no clinician. I’m sick myself.

Chris Cuomo who has been more open to "vaccine injuries" in his recent interviews had once said,

"You’re OK with this kind of jackassery that has absolutely led to a deficiency among Republican people in this country taking the vaccine, and now they’re getting sick?"....."

"The people showing up at the hospital who are very sick are, almost without exception, unvaccinated. The people who are dying, 99 percent, are unvaccinated. You have people who are connected to your political party that you are not speaking out against who are telling people not to take it."

Cuomo seems to have had his life changed in more ways than one by these shots saying, "...but I will never stop reporting on this."

Texas Lindsay on X🔗
Vigilant News🔗
NY Times Article🔗

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Veteran Pediatric Nurse Sees 10,000% Increase In Childhood Deaths From Heart Issues Post Covid "Vaccine"

Angela Wulbrecht was a charge nurse at UCSF for 17 years. She never saw any young people suddenly die from a heart attack. But since the Covid vaccines rolled out, she’s seen over 100 deaths of young people with unexpected heart issues.

Steve Kirsch on X🔗

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AI Does Not Want To Answer Question 'Does Bill Gates Practice Medicine?'

Very unusual answer from AI regarding whether or not Bill Gates practices medicine. This was only the 2nd question with the first being a simple mathematical question. Why doesn't AI want to answer that?

Perhaps it is a double edged sword no matter how it answers?

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Case of Shedding From Sex With Vaxed Highlights Effectiveness of Ivermectin

Dr. Charles Hoffe answers question "If an unvaxed and vaxed have sex, what happens to be the unvaxed?" with an anecdotal case of this where the man developed reactions immediately afterwards. He took the McCullough protocol of Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumin to break up the spike protein and did not notice and difference until he added Ivermectin and was immediately restored back to normal.

Ivermectin which won a nobel prize in medicine for it's use in humans was falsely covered up as a drug only to be used in animals by our drug regulators, namely the FDA. We'll known for it's extremely safe drug profile, research into Ivermectin is making new discoveries of it's off label use and effectiveness against Cancer, Spike protien, Viral reproduction, hijacking's of cell machinery through it's anti-viral zinc ionaphoric capabilities in addition to it's well known immediate impact on killing off parasites.

Criminal interference has surely been committed and in due time will receive wide spread acceptance for the intentional harm committed against humanity.

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49 Republican Senators Have United In Demanding Biden Repeal WHO Pandemic Treaty

Not one Democrat Senator and 49 US senators sign letter to Biden calling for withdrawal of support for WHO and the revision to the "Pandemic Treaty" and "International Health Regulations."

“Some of the over 300 proposals for amendments made by member states would substantially increase the WHO’s health emergency powers and constitute intolerable infringements upon U.S. sovereignty"

RFK Jr on X🔗

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Study Finds Spike From Covid Boosters Is Cellular Mechanism That Causes Reduction In Body's Ability to Prevent Cancer

A study showing the oncogenesis of Covid -19 spike says that the findings have implications for the Covid "vaccine". This is the logic that critical thinkers have seen from the beginning and is now being found in scientific research in relation to reducing the body's ability to prevent Cancer.

"Our findings have implications for the... design of anti-COVID-19 vaccines that are administered repeatedly as booster shots... As loss of p53 function is a known driver of cancer development and confers chemo-resistance, our study provides insight into cellular mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 spike may be involved in reducing barriers to tumorigenesis during and post SARS-CoV-2 infections."

Zhang S., El-Deiry W. S. 

"Transfected SARS-CoV-2 spike DNA for mammalian cell expression inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells and increases cancer cell viability after chemotherapy exposure."

Oncotarget. 2024; 15: 275-284.

Study in Oncotarget🔗

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Astra Zeneca Has Begun Global Withdrawal Of It's Covid Shots Amid Concerns Of Blood Clots

Astra Zeneca began it's withdrawal of their Covid Vaccine on Tuesday after recently admitting in court that their shot causes blood clots.

Pfizer, Moderna and the others will surely soon follow suit as law suits are starting to increase with people asking why did they wait three years to pull the shots.

Epoch Times🔗

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Astra Zeneca Was Pushed Without Safety Data And Pulled Late Amidst Data of Harm

Australian MP Russell Broadbent rightly summarizes the Covid "Vaccine" Debacle as it recently has come to a close as far as the availability on the market globally of the Astra Zeneca "vaccine." While the Covid shots have been pushed on people and caused some of the worst harm imaginable, it was done so from the beginning under the guise of being safe and effective without any long-term safety data.

"Australians have been reporting adverse reactions to the TGA since early 2021 shortly after the rollout of the Astra Zeneca "vaccine." By July, 2021, the TGA was reporting deaths associated with the injections. The TGA's own database has received 488 adverse events notifications where Astrazeneca was received by the patient and later died. Yet it took until March 2023 to remove the injections from our shelves. Why?"

While some countries had the product pulled in March of 2023, now the manufacturer itself, not the health regulators, is pulling the shots immediately after admitting to the side effect of blood clots in court. Though other reasons are cited like lack of demand, the timing of the admission in the face of an increase in lawsuits for known harm seems questionable. While claims of having saved over 6 million lives still go out about the AZ "vaccine", there still is no data proving that for a product that never worked so has no mechanism of benefit.

MP Russell Broadbent on X🔗

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Dr. Deborah Birx Now Says Thousands of Americans Could Be Vaccine Injured by the COVID Jab

“That happens often with immunizations that if the natural disease can cause it, then it also sometimes can be seen in certain profiles of the vaccine. We should be studying that right now….Do I think it’s millions? No. Could it be thousands? Yes.”

RFK Jr. responded to Dr. Birx's admission,

"Dr. Deborah Birx is now saying exactly what I have said about vaccines for years, there is no vaccine that is safe and effective for everyone.

Just like every pharmaceutical product, vaccines carry a risk of side effects that injure and kill some people every year. Instead of ignoring those who are injured or calling them crazy, we should study them and figure out how to protect them. We need safer vaccines.

I hope the media will not resort to calling Dr. Birx a “conspiracy theorist” the way they have me. It’s time we finally face the reality of vaccine injury and fix it instead of shooting the messenger."

Birx surely covered her admission with enough of the obligatory imaginary praise for the Covid shot to avoid any targeting.

Chief Nerd🔗

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We Were Told By Those Claiming to Be The Only Source of Truth That Blood Clots We're Not From the Astra Zeneca "Vaccine"

The extremely late Astrazeneca "Vaccine" blood clotting admission provides more evidence that the WHO should never be trusted.

Robin Monatti on X🔗

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Remember When Chris Cuomo Called "Anti-Vaxers" "The Enemy of America"

Chris Cuomo has made a great turn around for the cause of truth, health and freedom but we can not forget what he said and encouraged.

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Chris Cuomo Who Was One of the Biggest Ivermectin Shamers Now Takes It Regularly

Chris Cuomo really tried hard to shame those who promoted Ivermectin as treatment for Covid but now, he himself admits publicly that he is taking it regularly. He says Rogan was right about it and the doctors knowingly suppressed it with misinformation.

John Lefevre on X had this to say about Chris Cuomo yesterday, "It wasn’t that Chris Cuomo was lied to about Ivermectin, or that Joe Rogan was lucky, as he now claims.

Chris Cuomo was wrong. He was lazy. He didn’t do his job. He was a useful idiot, repeating propaganda talking points, asking zero questions, and shaming anyone who did."

"Ivermectin was a bogey man early on in Covid, that was wrong, we were given bad information about Ivermectin", Cuomo said.

John Lefevre on X🔗
Craig Kelly🔗

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Why Does Big Pharma Love "Vaccines" So Much?

World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has figured it out.

The answer, in a nutshell, is money. But watch and listen to this 48-second clip to see how perverse things really are.

For instance, in clinical trials for RSV among adults, fewer than 1% of participants actually contract the disease.

“It’s like a mild cold. If you didn’t test it, you would never know about it. Less than 1% of people get it,” remarked Dr. @P_McCulloughMD.

“If you had your pharmaceutical company, do you want to make a drug that treats under 1% of the people, or do you want to make a vaccine that everybody takes?” he asked.

The answer is that nearly every time, Big Pharma says, “Let’s get 100%.”

“So the vaccine lobby has figured this out. Make an emergency, and then don’t work on the therapeutics. Go for vaccines.”

Vigilant Fox on X🔗

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