Random Meeting Point and Announcements
1.01K subscribers
31 photos
1 video
49 links
Regroup and announcements channel for the Random Anon Channel Network.

Main channel: t.me/randomanonch1
Admin bot: t.me/randomanonchannel_bot
Download Telegram
This is the result of the Censorship on the RAC Network.

Notice how channels dedicated exclusively to archive information (Nothing that can be interpreted as violence) are getting banned.
Imagine banning the shill tactics channel or the anti satanism channel, the clear agenda here is to stop you from knowing how infiltrators operate.
Daily reminder you can Donate to Random Anon Channel using Monero.

Forwarded from Telegram Info English (Antonio Marreti 🚩)
Telegram for Android with no copyright restrictions

Telegram can be downloaded from Google Play, which sets one into a number of limitations: piracy content must be blocked, or else the app will be kicked out of the store. Moreover, each update gets delayed because of app moderation.

Telegram launches new distribution channel for the Android app β€” APK file download from the official website. The version you can download there is special: according to the site, it has less restrictions and updates faster than the Google Play one. It means the app has copyright restrictions disabled and has built-in updater to bypass the app store.

Such experience is already applied for Telegram Desktop and Telegram MacOS, if you download them from the official website.

You can also download the new version from the official channel: @TAndroidAPK.


#Android #update
Hello everyone this seems to be working to access the Android restricted channels on your android Phone.
Hello everyone, is no secret that all our channels will probably be banned again on Android, is already happening for some.

The good news this time is that Telegram have us covered, as you may know is Android (Google) who is forcing Telegram to block the channels under the threat of removing the app from the Android App Store, so telegram is releasing an APK version of their app were the restrictions don't exist.

Switch to the APK version now so you can enjoy the Telegram experience without the Android (Google) restrictions.
Also spread the word about the existence of this APK version of Telegram.

If you value the content of the Random Anon Channel Network remember you can donate using Monero.


If you guys are not aware by now, a new channel was created to post everything related to cryptocurrencies, the economy and related topics, in this way avoiding the spam of those topics in the main Random Anon Channel.

Random Anon Channel Network


Most Active Channels:
t.me/randomanonch1 (Main Channel)
t.me/jew_world_order (Scandemic Shitposting)
t.me/crypto_schizo (Crypto Shitposting)

The Others:

t.me/randomanonch2 (Main Channel Backup)
t.me/randommeetingpoint (Regroup Channel)
t.me/randomanonchannel_bot (Contact the Admins)
t.me/randomnconvo (Discussion Group)

Enjoying the channels? All those channels are managed by a small team (Me and my other personalities), if you value the effort you can donate to the RAC Network using Monero.
Forwarded from Entry Lounge - Random Anon Channel
We are going private for a while again, here is the invite link:


Daily reminder we went private because reasons, if someone want's to join use the following invite link:

If you don’t know what’s the point of having a fuckton of channels separated by topics, I am going to tell you what they are meant for.

The idea of the separate channels is to fast-redpill anyone not familiar with those topics.
Is your bluepilled friend actually asking for proof of for example Jews owning the US? There is a channel for that where enough proof has been posted in order to convince him that there is actually a point to it.

Are you not familiar with the idea of Jews owning the US Government, the Federal Reserve, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood and music Industry? or Jews being behind all US wars?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea of Jews pushing a Worldwide anti-white agenda and pushing replacing migration into white countries in order to get a White Genocide?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea of Jews being actually Satanists and performing Child Sacrifice along human history? Are they not familiar with Pizzagate being just the present chapter of this?
Check this:


Are you not familiar with the idea of Jews pushing a worldwide Gay and Transgender agenda targeting mostly the young and whose end goal is the destruction of the nuclear family and normalization of pedophilia?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea that a lot of relevant personalities around history have spoken against Jews?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the deep knowledge some anons have spouted on the chans and that have been immortalized in the form of screencaps?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the way how Jews push censorship, disinformation campaigns and Divide and Conquer tactics in order to keep non Jews distracted and fighting each other?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea of the Holocaustβ„’ being mostly exaggerations and lies in order to keep a never ending sympathy for Jews and to push gilt against Europeans and whites in general?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea that Human Races are inherently different and that their differences are not a social construct?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea that Men and Women are different and that giving too much political power to women will lead to social collapse?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the way how Jews and Feds infiltrate and subvert political groups (mostly nationalist and "right wing") in order to turn them sinister and to and to push away the average folk from knowing the truth?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the involvement of Jews in the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the many ways you can improve yourself, clean your body and be a better man?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea of Jews owning the porn industry and using it as a political weapon against non Jews to keep them apathetic?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea of Jews using the coronavirus to push mandatory vaccination and microchipping in order to get the New World Order?

Check this:

Are you not familiar with the idea of Jews pushing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC's), Crypto Regulations and other Financial Shenanigans to try to enslave humanity into the New World Order?

Check this:

Main Random Anon Channel (Private for now):

Channel for announcements and regrouping.

Random Anon Channel Discussion Group
Shieet, our Covid-1984 Jew World order Channel (t.me/jew_world_order) got restricted on Android, for this one we created an alternate channel (t.me/jew_world_order1) for regrouping, the thing is we have not decided yet if we are moving to the new channel or if we are going to continue with the old one and you guys need to download the Telegram App from the Telegram Web Page (https://telegram.org/android).

Will have a decision made on this in a few days.
Use this method if you think your channel is in danger of getting banned on Android.

I would suggest any Covid Redpills channel to go private for a while.

Ok had to launch a new channel to organize the dead and archived channels of the Random Anon Channel Network, everything that goes inactive for whatever reason can be found in that channel.
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πŸ‘‰πŸ» You probably already saw :
*This message can't be displayed...*

🀬 It means that Google / Apple have censored the post or the page.

πŸ”Ž Telegram does not practice censorship, but their application is hosted on the Google Play Store and AppStore, so they are dependent on Google/Apple censorship policies.

πŸ‘ŒπŸ» But there is a simple and very quick solution to bypass all this censorship permanently: do not install Telegram from the PlayStore.

πŸ“Œ It's very simple:
β†ͺ️ uninstall your current version of Telegram
β†ͺ️ reinstall the official version downloaded directly on Telegram website.
➑️ Follow the short video of the post if you need a tutorial.

πŸ›‘ It takes 2 min, and it's guaranteed without censorship. For life. So do it. It's important for you (and for us) that we can continue to talk and communicate freely without Google censorship.


πŸ”— This is where it happens: download the uncensored version of Telegram from their official website.

If you are reading this probably a channel you like got banned by the Android Playstore and you are looking for a method to access the channel again.

In order to access the channel again you need to install telegram directly from telegram.org, the telegram app from telegram.org doesn't have the restrictions that the telegram app from the Android Playstore has, refer to the following article for detailed instructions.
