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Save the Republic: Intel and geopol analysis by veteran consultant XF

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⛔️ The Western countries will suffer every bit as much as Russia will, and quite possibly more considering that Russia has proven its ability to weather sanctions due to the growth of its domestic production base.

Read more by Robert Bridge: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/02/25/us-and-its-allies-undermined-minsk-accords-for-too-long-patrick-henningsen/

#Ukraine #sanctions

🤑 The WEF’s newest release “The Great Narrative” with its fixation on ‘fake news’ is as much an admission of guilt as it is recognition of failure.

A funny thing happens when corporate culture becomes indistinguishable from government culture. Corporatized governments promote and grant authority to those ‘ambitious’ individuals who can best over-sell and over-promise results. Think of unimpressive appointees like Trudeau, Ardern, Johnson, and Morrison.

At first glance it doesn’t really matter that these aims are unattainable. But it does matter, because from it we can crystalize this axiom: the more impossible the dream, the more it promotes the likes Ardern, et al.

Read more by Joaquin Flores @NewResistance: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/02/24/is-great-reset-failing-when-great-narratives-fall-apart/

#Crisis #Globalism #GreatReset #KlausSchwab #WorldEconomicForum

Goodnight friends, retiring for the evening. ☦️How do you like our coverage and analysis of these events? Let me know below.

8pm here in Belgrade - Time to switch hats into father mode, and then meditate on Marcus Aurelius Meditations, book 5, maxim 31.

First one to post it in the comments wins. 💢

What are your thoughts about what's going on? That Marina Abramovic stuff was pretty insane, especially when she said she's been working in Ukraine. Exactly what work is that?

Do you know what she's been doing in Ukraine?

If something yuge happens, we'll verify and post it. Otherwise. Goodnight!

The war that truly matters, is the war for your soul.

Countries and nations come and go, as dandelion seeds swept across the great plain of time.

Never idolize leaders of men, for they too are but men.

Never lose your humanity, for without this you are but an animal.

Never lose your faith in God, for without this you are but a man.

Never fail to be grateful for this life, for without this you are Godless.

Never fear death, as through Christ you are eternal and salvation yours.

In a thousand years, nothing will matter except these things.

Zelensky pretended he wanted to talk peace on Friday night, then disappeared from his scheduled talk with the Italian PM and the Russian President for Saturday morning.

A unilateral and informal 'halt of a frontal attack' was done for that reason.

Russian forces moved swiftly through Friday, Friday evening, and consolidated certain positions, but left other possibilities open for Saturday.

Then Zelensky played his game.

The option for peace was left on the table, and the move into Kiev was delayed.

Also, recon determined that Ukrainian anti-air forces were embedded into apartment blocs, using civilians as human shields.

Whether to make a full incursion into Kiev? Whether to move to cut off certain lines of Ukrainian forces?

The plan is flexible for such possibilities.

However, Fake News MSM took this to pretend that Ukraine is putting up some 'big fight', which 'surprises everyone'.

Military matters, barring quantifiable blunders or errors of massive scale, are relatively mathematical.

There are 'few surprises', one goes into battle knowing who will win. Losing sides take calculated defeats and march into defeat for reasons abstract to the conflict itself.

With this in mind, have fun with this one:

Forwarded from Inessa S ️️ (I)
Media is too big
In 2018, Putin asked why is Russian DNA being collected for research?
“The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases.

Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa."

Text continues on Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's website: https://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons/
Our media system isn't just corrupt and broken, it's pathologically stupid.

Why are they so bent on ridiculous lying claims to our citizens that Ukraine is "holding off" the Russian operation?

It doesn't matter what we think. They could convince all of us, and this has no bearing on the real outcome on the ground there.

It isn't like we are going to have a vote in America on who gets to win the conflict there, somehow based on who we imagine is winning, being brave, or whatever.

This is clown world.

Just give us the facts.

Like the fact that in all official and published US military war game and simulation scenarios, Russia can steamroll the entire combined European forces in a conventional war.

But somehow not Ukraine by itself even though Ukraine was already figured in to that combined force model?

500 stingers from Germany? Mercenaries from Finland and Estonia?

FFS. This already played out in 2014. The battle of Debaltseve was a bloodbath for the Deep State alliance.

Foreign mercenaries, American weapons, American advisors, and billions of dollars in aid.

Up in smoke in 34 days. And that was a limited force, not technically integrated into Russian command structures who won that victory.

People need to have true information so that our leaders don't have us tilting at windmills.

Adding this to my "all I need to know" collection.
Imagine taking out Marina Abramovic network in Ukraine and Joe and Hunter Biden's Burisma milk cow all in one fell swoop.

Just like Afghanistan, this is also a Trump set up that normies and blue pillers wouldn't understand.

Getting out of Afghanistan and recognising Russia's security concerns over Ukraine were Trump foreign policy iniatives.

Undoing the Obama damage to the balance of power among Ukrainian oligarchs, (Manafort and Akhmetov)?

Only the red pilled can understand.

Lots of influencers and maga people follow me closely, and then appropriate my work without giving a nod.

And that's OK. Its towards the greater good! Thanks to you, I'm able to keep doing this.

Here we can easily lay out two possible win situations for Russia to help fix Ukraine.

To appreciate these, first know this:

💢These already figure into Russia's contingencies. All possible futures are already mapped out. These are computerized probabilistic calculations using Bayesian statistical modeling.

💢The dynamic calculus of these allows for multi-variate analysis involving thousands and thousands of algebraic variables interacting in real time with millions of moving parts and tens of millions or more, of unique potential future outcomes. In the US this kind of program would be called 'operation looking glass' by the public.

💢So Zelensky buying a day or two, or the various ways that some NATO states will respond or not, are all figured in.

Whether SWIFT banking codes are cut off or not, is already figured in.

Whether Turkey closes access to the black sea to the Mediterranean is already figured in. This figures back in to the Syria theatre by the way.

Whether Visregard group countries send in more NATO-esque mercenaries to Ukraine in the tens of thousands, is already figured in.

Whether NATO's Baltic pawns, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, involve, is already figured in.

Whether Belarus will militarily back Russia, or just diplomatically back Russia, is already figured in.

👉See the pattern? Every news event you read about that seems like 'some change of tact', or some 'new fact on the ground', has already been imagined by the strategists.

These potentials become quantified in Bayesian models to see the future. 🕰

This, and much much more.

So here are two basic potential outcomes we can speak confidently about right now.

⭕️ 1. Kiev capitulates to Russia's demands. Kiev recognizes Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk, and probably Snake Island, and holds new elections. The 2004 Constitution is shredded (the Orange Revolution by Soros in 2004 was the source of the problems today), and Ukraine returns to its real constitution of 1992.

Yes, there was a color revolution in 2004 by Soros. But it didn't, in the end, achieve all of its goals. Sane Ukraine planners returned to power (balanced relations between EU and Russia, no NATO membership ever), but were colored out again in 2014.

Ukraine has had two color revolutions by the globalist cabal against its sovereignty.

Sovereign Ukraine just happens to have a natural gravity towards Russia (geopolitically determined - its position, people, culture, resources, geography, economy, infrastructure etc.)

⭕️2. Kiev refuses to capitulate, and Russia takes control of all lands east of the Dnieper river, and all the regions/oblasts that have Black Sea coasts, and conducts new elections and referendums. These will likely result in being recognized as mini-states, in some process ranging from months to years (see Ossetia, Abkhazia, both in Georgia, or Donetsk, and Lugansk of former Ukraine as models).

Ultimately these can form a new buffer state, historically was called Novorossiya. Map of this coming too.

Those new elections and referendums might not have the resounding pro-Russia vote (over 95% to ultimately join Russia in Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk), but closer to 65-70%, just passing informally nodded at 2/3rds majority for referendums on secession/accession.

Kiev junta stays in power, its Soros created constitution stays in place, but its about 1/2 the size it was last year.

The outlines of new Ukraine can be seen in the 2000's election map I showed you three days ago. We are forwarding it again in the below so you can visually see.

What I am describing is the foundation of contingency planning at the level of state-to-state conflict, which indeed are the highest stakes possible.


Influencers - you know this is gold. Give us a nod, because personally I'm honored to be a part of educating your audience. It will make you feel better. 😉

And remember, Jesus loves you whether you sin or not. 😂

Forwarded from Joaquin Flores
Forwarded from Joaquin Flores
You can see how the election results over the past nearly 20 years, and the outline of a Novorossiya, line up precisely.

The 2004 constitution gave more power to Kiev, centralized government power. Soros was behind this.

A Color Revolution in 2004 called the Orange Revolution allowed this to happen.

A version of 'critical race theory' was introduced into Ukrainian schools at this time, a doctrine we call 'Kuchmaism' from the president Kuchma.

This taught children that Ukrainians and Russians were actually vastly different people, and that Ukrainians were always victims of Russia.

Ukraine just means border. Border of what? Of Russian lands against Polish or Austro-Hungarian and Romanian lands. It's not a 'people' in the traditional sense, but surely it has been recently constructed as one. This is not meant to delegitimize their claim to people-hood. In various ways, identities are all social constructs.

(Some identities just more recent and geopolitically motivated in modernity than others. )

But 'Ukraine''s western side is Russia's borderlands, not a border that goes before Russia. Again, the word Ukraine means borderlands. That's why its always been called 'The Ukraine', as in 'The Borderlands'.

This new school curriculum, we'll call it critical race theory so you can make the connection, and new media attitude, justified revenge ideas and revenge fantasies, and played into Neo-Nazism's rise in Ukraine.

Now the Russian-identifying minority of Ukraine, about 38% of the population, were considered foreigners in their own country.

Then the 2014 color revolution further stripped the rights of this 38% of people, and these Russian identifying people lost jobs, possibilities for loans, and so on. They could lose homes, judges rule against them on the basis of ethnicity whether openly or corruptly, etc. Children were forced to speak a different language at school, and learn a history at odds with the values and history their parents believed.

OH! And what are all these Russians doing living in Ukraine?

Because the parts of Ukraine where the Russian minority is a majority, were all once Russia.

Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin granted to Ukraine the areas to Ukraine, that were once Russia.

Which is kind of hilarious since Ukraine justifies its Nazism on the basis of Anti-Communism. 😂

The best Anti-Communist thing they could do, is reverse the changes to the map made by Lenin and Stalin, who last we checked, were the communists that Ukrainians don't like.

For those who want Audios of the above, I will make these in an hour or so.

Forwarded from General Flynn ️
Mike Lindell is correct. The media is horrible and tries to portray America as anything but a beautiful and free country. The fake news media instead is hurting our country. Why they are even invited to these events is beyond me. The way the media has purposely tried to hurt Mike’s businesses, including his amazing foundation that helps addicts, is despicable.

Thank you Mr. Lindell for standing up for ALL Americans.

Forwarded from Joaquin Flores


The Russian military special operation in Ukraine coincided with the planned launch of U.S. military biolaboratories in Kiev and Odessa. On February 26, the US Embassy in Ukraine rushed to delete all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded bio-laboratories in Ukraine from its website. All these documents (now deleted by the Embassy)

In October 2021, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the U.S. Department of Defense published on the U.S. government procurement website an additional agreement on “combating highly dangerous pathogens.

The document concerns the final stage of work on the launch of two bio-laboratories in Ukraine: in Kiev and Odessa. The additional agreement covers the equipping and training of personnel and commissioning of the facilities.

The cost of the work is 3.6 million dollars, but some figures in the document are hidden for reasons of secrecy. According to the document, the laboratories were more than 90 per cent ready. However, the projects’ completion was delayed up to seven months from the date of signing the document (July 2021), thus to the end of February 2022.

The laboratories in Ukraine were built within the U.S. Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which was launched in 1991 and was aimed against Russia and the former Soviet Union. They were funded in frame of the Biological Threat Reduction Program. Cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in this field intensified after the first Maidan revolution in Ukraine in 2005.

Two new laboratories are being created on the basis of the Kiev State Research Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and the Odessa division of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. The main part of the Ukrainian collection of endemic strains of dangerous disease agents is stored in Odessa. The buildings of the new biolaboratories in Kiev and Odessa were built back in 2019, but were not put into operation.

The document above notice makes it clear that this project is important and urgent for the U.S. government: further potential delays are called unacceptable, and “DTRA requires the urgent completion and surrender of both laboratories to ensure the active and safe execution of the DTRA mission.”

Both facilities are owned and secured by the Government of Ukraine, but neither facility is currently performing active biological work because DTRA has asked the Ukrainian authorities not to begin work until acceptance and completion is complete, the procurement materials said.

Moscow has claimed its concern over the developing biological weapons near Russia’s borders. Russian President Vladimir Putin worried about the “purposeful and professional” collection of biomaterials of Russians by foreigners.

The on-going Russian military operation in Ukraine may stop the DTRA program in Ukraine. Anyway, the projects in Kiev and Odessa will be postponed if not canceled. The U.S. has already spent over 2 billion dollars on such programs in Ukraine alone, and there are more in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.

Now, as Russian forces are advancing in Ukraine, Kiev seems to be in a rush to hide the evidence that the USA violates the convention on non-proliferation of biological weapons. The end of the Russian operation will show.

— source 'SF' (normally reliable source, cannot be mentioned)
🚨Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces to be on highest alert
Newspeak translator:

'Biological Threat Reduction Program' = Biological Threat Creation Program

'Nuclear Deterrent Forces' = Nuclear Forces