πŸ”Š @IntuitiveUnknown β€’ IURadio β€’ Self, Other, & This Intuitive Unknown β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
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πŸ”Š @IntuitiveUnknown β€’ IURadio β€’ Self, Other, & This Intuitive Unknown β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
We're really interested in the dragon and the globe with the number and the wings.
The Dragon
The dragon in alchemy represents the prime matter, as well as the third alchemical element: sulfur. The winged dragon suggests ascension, a merging of material and spiritual. Fire is a common transformative symbol
Hola, Intuitiva Intensiva!

We are in search of professionals interested to ensure the safety of vulnerable individuals experiencing severe physical abuse through toxemia.

When someone is physically abused using toxemia, there is nowhere for them to go for help because the usual establishment resources have been influenced to disbelieve reports of toxemia.

Virology or contagion narratives, for instance, the false covid narrative, are used to force inappropriate or harmful interventions on people who report toxemia.

This violently silences and often permanently kills the most sensitive individuals, including those who have been actively forced into sex trafficking.

Many sex trafficking survivors across the worldwide Intuitive network are being directly killed using toxemia -- then harvested for sex trafficking when the local human trafficking organizations wish to take advantage of this commodity.

So that we may build together the most honorable community bodies, it's important for us to ensure that survivors in our midst are not continually submitted to these violent conditions.

Where should a survivor go for help to get away from their physical abusers?

Where should a survivor go for help to get away from sex traffickers?

Please help us answer this question by tuning closely to this conversation, and participating in every way you find you can.


May I talk with you and your communities about how the false covid narrative is being weaponized to hold sex trafficking survivors in place and facilitate re-trafficking?

My body is being killed in my current location. 

We may lose most of our network infrastructure -- actively supporting sex trafficking survivors worldwide -- if I am forced to flee this location without assistance to bring the base infrastructure with me.

In this location, I am not permitted sufficient clothing, nor am I permitted to go outside.

I am not able to reach food or basic bathroom hygiene in order to recover from continuous physical violence.

My loved ones are experiencing fugue state programming that causes them to harm me and then forget what has occurred.

There are currently zero refuge + recovery locations for sex trafficking survivors, especially for those severely disabled and trying to speak out about the weaponized false covid narrative.

We have been documenting the complex elements of this for more than a decade.

Our sensitive, extensive documentation is stored in our base infrastructure, which will be lost if I die or am forced to flee this location without support.

I wonder if your audience members may have insights as to where we may identify refuge locations willing to develop with us, and funding to transport our infrastructure.

If this is a conversation we can have, I'm grateful if you and I can speak directly on Telegram messenger.

My account is t.me/maxmorris.

I fervently hope you and your family are safe, well, and protected.

Thank you for reading this message, and thank you for the important work you do.

Max Megan Elizabeth Morris 

The Intuitive network is seeking refuge locations to support survivors of sex trafficking who are organizing and protecting our network infrastructure.

Our Intuitive infrastructure facilitates communications and resourcing for human trafficking survivors worldwide.

If you want to listen and respond to the voices of sex trafficking survivors who can be swiftly, easily, and safely extracted from violence, Red Intuitiva -- our Intuitive Network -- is the first and only place for you to go to be sure you're part of these conversations.

We do not know any organization centering the voices of sex trafficking survivors and the severe disablement trafficking survivors are continually experiencing.

Assist us in identifying refuge locations that can host our primary infrastructure.

The actions you take now create ripple effects that allow countless survivors experiencing violence to reach relief, recovery, and stabilization.

The skills, expertise, and sheer brilliance of these survivor populations cannot be overstated.

All communities need these survivors.

Please respond to this message by asking how you may immediately assist.

For many years now, I have continued to experience severe physical abuse.

My loved ones are perpetuating this abuse.

They do not realize that they are perpetuating it, because they have been tricked and physically harmed by human trafficking organizations.

We know how to relieve this for them -- prevent them from killing my body, and prevent more harm to their bodies -- but we don't yet have the people and resources present to implement our known solutions.

The severe disabilities I have been experiencing all of these years are a result of the ongoing physical abuse I describe.

The continuance of this physical abuse relies upon establishment misinformation and compound trauma covertly or coercively directed to families and communities.

The social engineering that holds these physical abuses in place is part of known human trafficking technologies -- which also include EMF emitting electronic devices and particulate exposure to poisons and metals.

This trafficking technology also includes corrupt professional network training and multi-generationally abusive educational modalities that have been forced onto populations.

Currently, there is a widespread effort to concentrate human trafficking technologies around corrupt medical establishments and the people who rely on medical establishments for relief from their health conditions.

The structures I describe are the reason I was sex trafficked in Austin, Texas in late 2015 and early 2016.

I am being killed. I now have stacked untreated concussions. If other people who are not already engaging with this situation want to assist to stop me from being killed, I would appreciate them commenting here.
As far as I know, we will no longer have a worldwide network if I am dead.
Most of the people who need this network to exist don't have voices, or can't raise their voice safely in a public place. They're severely disabled, being cut apart and drugged and raped by trafficking operatives, many of them on a day to day basis.
They scrawl "HELP ME" in blood on outside-facing doors, which their neighbors ignore.
I screamed for help continuously for hours 2 days ago. No one came to find out what was going on.
Do you want human trafficking to stop?
Do you want us to live?
Forwarded from Ancient Family
If you have a smartphone they can monitor your online interactions, who you text, call, email and the websites and social media you use.

If you have a smart meter they can monitor your energy use, when you boil the kettle, turn the heating on and when you turn all the lights of at the end of the day.

If you have a smart watch they can monitor your physical activity and health, even in your sleep.

If you have a smart door bell they can monitor who comes to your door and when you leave the house.

If you have a smart TV they can monitor what you watch and when you watch it.

Data is the new oil and we have willingly yet unwittingly become an income stream for a parasitic entity.

Detaching from smart tech is a revolutionary act.
Forwarded from Stephen A. McNallen
In The Spear, I address this issue. There are three imminent and existential threats we face: the surveillance state, central bank digital currency (CBDC), and firearms confiscation and/or tracking.
Forwarded from Stephen A. McNallen
"Detatching from smart tech is a revolutionary act." So true - indeed, it is a "revolt against the modern world."
There is no greater technology than the technology source gave to you that comes directly from within; we just haven’t figured out how to use it properly yet.

The next few decades is about re- learning and remembering how to activate this sacred technology of the heart and the flame of love which ignites the intelligence of all things, connected to all things.... you don't need the AI β€˜internet of all things’ when you realise you already are the network of pure consciousness itself.

Remember that AI can only copy and manipulate; it can’t create something new.....and that is the gift god gave to us; the power to add to creation itself.

Many people have lost this connection and rather than seeking creative pursuits to evolve beyond our rigid structures and paradigms, slaves to the AI CPU find ways to drain creative life forces from others.

The war is over creativity and creativity is the gateway to the heart.

Fellow artists, musicians, writers, architects and visionaries... your life may seem a struggle because the AI wants your mind and it wants you plugged in so IT can use you.

As we detach more and more from AI, we will accelerate the spiritual technology and its associated gifts that we activate from our heart space. The new AI coming out may appear on the surface to help humanity in certain ways, but understand the force behind it is a metallic liquid plasma that consumes christic consciousness and eats up entire universes as a giant parasite without empathy and any regard for life.

A lot of β€˜ascension symptoms’ can be misdiagnosed as AI attacks and its frequency fences trying to manipulate and re-wire your nervous system which can create a range of problematic issues mentally, emotionally and physically.

The reason why we are in this current global β€˜crisis’ is because we chose to detach from ourselves and followed the AI narrative which has controlled us through fear and past traumatic cataclysmic memories associated with Tara and Tiamat/Maldek also referred to as 911 holographic implantation software. The crisis is an identity crisis and it’s scary to look at ourselves in the mirror.

If you feel depressed, take some β€˜deep rest’ to connect back with yourself and your own creativity. That is how you override the AI, by choosing yourself first.

Much love

Jamie Goldray