Life Talks
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To have you in my life is an incomparable blessing. Thanks for showing yourself to me. Thanks for introducing myself to me again in ways I never knew me. Thanks for introducing me to parts of me that stayed hidden due to fears & doubts. I accept myself now in the ways I never did

Sometimes people come to your life to show how someone's presence can brighten your day. Sometimes people come with a lesson on what not to accept. Everyone who crosses path with you has a reason. Nothing is coincidence. Everything in life brings a lesson for life.

You will never know if you can do it until you try. Give it your best. Don't wait till you are ready. Don't wait for perfect moment. Go all in at least once. Either it will work out fine or you will live in the knowledge that you tried. Leave no room for regret.

Sometimes rushing the process is source of stress & distress. Instead of overthinking your worth, give it time. Nothing great comes easy. Let yourself evolve without pressure. It's part of process. Appreciate journey instead of forcing yourself to arrive at destination in hurry.

If you are happy that doesn't mean you aren't hurting. Being happy is a choice you have made despite the circumstances you are going through. It's your choice to find the best each moment has to offer and be grateful for that while you process your pain and heal in the background

Love your life & life will give reasons to be happy. Don't leave anything to regret when you look back. Turn mistakes into life lessons. Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Do what your heart yearns for. You may fail but you won't live in regret of not giving it a chance.

Be good but don't let people walk all over you. Be kind but don't let them hurt you in return. Care for others but care for own mental health first. Your well being is important. You can show up for others only when you show up for yourself first. You can't pour from an empty cup

Wait for a connection that doesn't make you feel trapped. If it's right for you, it liberates you & inspires you to show up as your best self. To be supported in embracing your authentic self is the most blessed place to be. There's no pretense. Just an improved version of you.

If you lead life the way you should, you'll never be fulfilled. Life isn't an obligation to be spent the way others demand it. Live it the way you desire to. It isn't your job to impress others. You are meant to celebrate yourself. Choosing yourself is to fill your days with joy.

You will never know if you can do it until you try. Give it your best. Go all in at least once. It may not be perfect but allow yourself to make mistakes, learn and level up. Either it will work out fine or you will live in the knowledge that you tried. Leave no room for regret.

Nobody is perfect and nobody can do right by you every time. Yet if there is someone who values you, means well and uplifts your soul when you are around them, don't give up on them. If they offer you safe space most of the times, it's okay to sometimes overlook their mistakes.

People want to be you when they see something amazing happen to you. They forget to notice the toil it took on you, days of uncertainty, the nights of panic & attitude of never giving up. If they knew the effort it took you , they would respect you at another level. Keep rocking!

It doesn't matter how much distance you covered. What matters is that you are not at the same place you were yesterday. Every little step counts. Do it at a pace you feel comfortable with. But never give up. Never quit on yourself. Believe in the magic on the other side.

Anger is worthless. It only makes the world a worse place. It only makes the holder of it feel worse. Stop the cycle. Treat yourself how you’d treat someone else.

Be thankful for your blessings that you once deeply yearned for. You received them when you opened the heart. Be proud of your journey so far. Believe that you are worthy of much more & you will become magnet for further blessings. Let no doubt withhold your capacity of receiving

Be humble but don't take own strengths for granted. Listen to others but don't let their opinions silent your own inner voice. Life is short and dreams are big. Find what fulfills you even if it's new to you, even if nothing is certain, even if nobody supports you. Trust yourself

When feeling uncertain about your next step, instead of overthinking, live in faith that you'll finally end up where you are meant to be, no matter what direction you choose, no matter how long you take. Life has surprising way of making unexpected magic happen. Never ever quit.

Overthinking keeps you busy but the only outcome it gives is stress & doubts. It overcomplicates simple situation. You've power over your mind. Exercise this inner power. Don't let your thoughts imprison you so much that you forget reality is much better than what you're thinking

Sometimes you have drop a part of your identity to make space for the new version of you. Sometimes you have to kill yourself a bit to recreate a wiser and smarter self. This crumbling is not destruction. It is to allow yourself to be reborn as someone brighter and stronger.

Be compassionate but don't forget your assertiveness. Be nurturing but don't forget your boundaries. Be respectful but don't forget your self respect. Be kind to everyone but never leave yourself behind. You're all you've got & you're all who has your back. Nurture yourself well.
