Green Charter RCM
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Green Charter Revolutionary Committees Movement

🟢Committees everywhere
🟢No revolutionary outside a revolutionary committee
🟢No revolution without revolutionary ideology

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The US Americans, British, French, Canadians, Australians all moved to provide the Zionists with all forms of supplies and support, militarily, by air bridge and sea, providing them with all types of weapons and advisors, and on the political level.

These neo-colonial settler societies and their regimes even encouraged the Zionists to carry out as much massacres as possible by promising their unconditional support and opposing any cease-fire, calling these actions "defense".

The US Americans provided financial support worth billions of dollars and put pressure on the Arab countries, which responded to the slightest pressure from the US Americans regarding Zionist requests.

The world has woken up to the long history of double-speak regarding "rules based order", "right to protect", "defense", "united nations", "new world order", "globalization" and other such policies of the "international community" of Zionists.

Boycotting US American, Zionist "Israeli", Australian, German, French, Italian, Saudi and UAE goods and services is one of the most important positions that the peoples of the earth must adopt as well as targeting Zionist and their allies interests everywhere.

The boycott option is within the reach of everyone, even people who suffer from repression, oppression, and are prevented from even demonstrating and speaking or are weak.

The worldwide revolutionary committee movement stands firmly with the Palestinian resistance and in particular with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the General Command calling to pay heed to their statements and calls to action.

The Palestinian struggle is central to the world wide struggle for freedom and the establishment of the Authority of the People everywhere to safeguard humanity and its aspirations.
Palestine has continued to shame the world and fight single handedly for the freedom of everyone from the Zionist cancer. The resistance until now has defeated the enemy of humanity in every one of their military objectives including prisoner releases whilst the enemy hasn’t achieved a single military objective other than massacres of children, women, constant bombing of homes, hospitals, schools and abducting and shooting civilians. The Zionist entity is destroyed in front of the world and its projects for world control along with its racist western backers have no credibility left whatsoever. They cannot talk any more about rules based orders, International law, International community, human rights, democracy, one health, United Nations, Red Cross or anything else as all these claims were buried under the rubble in Gaza. The resistance have called on the free people of the world which includes the revolutionary committees to inflict pain and confusion on the rogue enemy state wherever the occupation’s interests are found. The Palestinians are seekers of Justice and fighters for freedom and represent the will of all the free people in the world.
Revolutionary Committees Movement

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So-called International Organizations and Western slogans buried forever under the rubble in Gaza

The Revolutionary Committees Movement is not new to the struggle against zionism, colonialism, racism, fascism, and reactionism and all these so-called international organizations that are set up by the enemy to fool the masses and usurp power are known to us from the outset. We have been at war with the anti-human forces and their tools for many generations culminating in the united satanic front against the Great Jamahiriya in 2011.

Central to the historic struggle of peoples for their freedom and rights has been Palestine and our movement has never wavered from continuous and direct confrontation with the occupation and its supporters notably the so-called "West" nor have we ever given any recognition to the Zionist entity. The world war against the free people of humanity and their natural institutions from the family through the tribe to the nation started long ago and with the genocide being openly committed in Palestine all the excuses and apologists have forever lost all credibility and are not to be entertained any further.

The collective West and its allies have forever been exposed to the world as never before from its total destruction of the bastion of freedom and revolution, the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, and its targeting of the Teacher, Thinker and Leader of the National Revolution, the Islamic Revolution and the World Revolution, Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi who embodied freedom and resistance and continue to live in the hearts of millions. Our gift to the world, the Third Universal Theory with the solutions to the problems of power, wealth and arms which should all be in the hands of the masses, as well as the national, social and religious factor and its application resulting in the free and happy Jamahiri society where the people possess the power, the wealth and the arms, has been censored by the enemy and ignored by the false revolutionaries to the detriment of humanity.

All liberation movements, central among which the Palestinian freedom movements, were actively supported and armed by the Libyan Jamahiriya. Now that the Zionist enemy and her backers are completely naked in front of the world, we will not assist them in covering their nakedness and all free people must exert their utmost to confront and disarm the Zionist enemy and its supporters as well as those who have remained silent since this is a clear issue of basic humanity where any position of neutrality means support for the Zionist enemy and its unlimited crimes.


All revolutionary committees must heed the calls of the Palestinian resistance to confront Zionist interests and those of its enablers such as the collective West and in particular the neo-colonial occupation regimes which have always been natural and firm allies with Zionism having assisted in its creation and having given the Zionist entity unlimited supply ever since its inception.

No one should listen to the "West" and its slogans, institutions, "international organizations", nor rely on them or give them any respect since their purpose of creation for subtefuge has been laid bare for all to see and is beyond repair. This is not a case of future forgiveness since these organizations have merely carried out their purpose and are exposed in not carrying out what the naive and gullible considered to be their purpose be it human rights, health, welfare, protection, cooperation or any other positive trait which were only necessary window dressing in order to continue to deceive, divide and neutralize revolutionary forces and the forces of resistance to themselves take the necessary responsibility to build genuine structures based on people's conferences and people's committees.

Thus the United Nations Organization and its sub organizations, the World Health Organization, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Amnesty International, the Human Rights Watch, the Doctors Without Borders, the International Labour Organizations and all other such so-called "international organizations" along with their slogans such as "international community", "democracy", "human rights", "rules", "order", "peace", and whatever else they proclaim have been forever buried under the rubble of Gaza along with their so-called International Law.

Likewise the regimes of the world and in the case of Palestine in particular Saudi, the UAE, Egypt, and in fact most Arab regimes, Turkey, have all been exposed beyond any doubts as to their opportunism in secretly wishing for the defeat of Palestine and its resistance to oppression so that their economic projects can continue with a future dream "normalization" with the Zionist enemy.

These regimes stand between their masses and the liberation of Palestine or even the necessary basic welfare support needs of the countless thousands of wounded, homeless and deprived Palestinians. They are thus also legitimate targets for the resistance as obstacles on the road to freedom and peace for Palestine and all of humanity.
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While the rest of the world will be celebrating the new year, the people of Gaza are fighting to survive.

هكذا استقبلت غزة العام الجديد