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A community dedicated to Spiritual Awakening, Holistic Wellness, & Empowered Sovereignty

Founder: Brian Piergrossi
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Russell Brand gets baptized .. and shares his reflections 🕊️💓🔥🙏
New podcast episode!

Jared and Brittany DeRidder share the inspiring story of their transformational spiritual journey with God, and Jesus, from the church they grew up in to the present day.

What started out as a journey of fear and separation, having to appease an angry, vengeful God so they don't go to hell after they die, has become a love story of recognizing their profound  union with God, and Christ, in this moment right now, exactly as they are, 


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Whether it’s relationships, family, businesses, art, or spiritual enlightenment itself, you must commit to fail repeatedly to become a winner.

Wisdom from Ed Sheeran.
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How to utilize the power of the mind 🧠

A little wisdom exercise from Tony Robbins


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Our son Joah 🌞
Why did Jesus say one must become like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven?

To look into the eyes of a child is an astonishing thing.

When they are quiet and still for a moment, It really does feel like you’re looking into the eyes of Heaven.

There’s a deep, yet infinitely vast presence, in those eyes, that has no sense of future, or past.

A baby has no conceptual ideas of things like race, Left , or Right, Republican, or Democrat, rich or poor, or any other categories of separation and division.

They have no self-consciousness. They have not yet conceptualized themselves as a separate entity. They are, therefore, in a place of full union with this moment, and thus with the entire universe.

They have an incredible ability to allow the energy of the moment to surge through them without any reservation or resistance.

Happiness, sadness, pain, pleasure, serious, or silly. They are fully available to the wide spectrum of human experience and emotion, from moment to moment, without being identified with, or attached to it.

These experiences, and all experiences, appear and disappear in their consciousness like temporary clouds in a clear blue sky.

They can not move, feed themself, or take care of themself. They must have full faith, and full trust in their parents to care for their every need in order to live and to grow. This requires incredible vulnerability, and authenticity, to the moment.

In the same way Jesus teaches us that our Creator will take care of our every need like the lilies of the field, if we don’t put ourselves in a fearful, anxious state, but trust in the beauty of the Divine Love that surrounds us at all times.

This all sounds like a wonderful way to live right?

So does this mean that we should lay around all day, wear diapers, scream nonverbally when we need something, and poop in our pants?

Definitely not.

What it means is that it’s possible to enter this field of consciousness as a mature, thinking, rational, logical, emotionally intelligent, adult.

When talking to my students and clients, I often refer to this state of inner spaciousness as “innocence consciousness”.

One of my initial questions to people I work with is: If anything is possible, what do you want to create?

The most important part of that question is, “if anything is possible.”

The reason this question is often so hard for people, is you can only answer it by first experientially entering this field of unlimited possibly like a new born baby: “innocence consciousness”.

This is why I put so much emphasis on people engaging in spiritual practices that empty your mind, and your heart, of all of the residue and debris that’s accumulated over the years.

To touch the stillpoint of innocence consciousness, to enter the kingdom of heaven within, and recognize your union with God, is the essential foundation of everything else.

It is to live as if nothing’s ever happened. To be born again.

To learn to live confidently from this field of infinite possibility, without becoming capsized by worry, or doubt, is fundamental to allowing one’s relationships, business and finances, body and heart, to transform and thrive in the most miraculous ways.

- Brian Piergrossi
Wisdom below from Telegram founder Pavel Durov.

I’ve found this curation of movies, shows, music, art & people, naturally occurring in my life as well in recent years.

As our vibration raises we just don’t gravitate with certain content anymore.

Being mindful about what kind of information we consume is just as important for our wellbeing as what food we eat. Words may shape our reality in more ways than we think.

That’s why I never watch horror movies and instead prefer films showing uplifting success stories (“Wonka” was my favorite last year). Popular songs, replayed many times, can work like magical spells that plant suggestions in our brains, so I carefully select my playlist to make sure their lyrics don’t include undesirable scenarios. I like to start my day with mid-20th century songs that express joy, such as “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” or “What a Wonderful World”

Telegram, unlike other apps, doesn’t throw random content at its users — people receive only the news from channels they have joined, and they can unsubscribe any time. This architecture helps us remain an independent platform that doesn’t promote any narrative and instead gives people the full power to choose what they like to see in their feed
- Pavel Durov
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Favorite High Vibe Music Right Now?
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Description in next post 👇
Over 18 years ago, I took the leap of starting my business as a "life coach" and have been solely supported by this passionate calling of sacred service ever since.

Over that time span, I’ve helped thousands of people from every corner on Earth to see more clearly what their challenges are, why those challenges exist, and support them in creating winning strategies, and accountability for them to transcend those challenges and fully step into the life God has called them to.

I’ve tackled every kind of situation you can imagine, with every kind of person you can imagine.

A question I’ve been getting lately is what kind of marketing and promotion plan have I used, over the years, to attract clients to my business?

Here’s my unconventional answer on how to magnetically attract people to your business.

Be outstanding.

By far the most important, yet often overlooked, thing is to dedicate yourself to becoming outstanding at what you do in a way that brings amazing, yet tangible, results.

The results in the positive transformation of the people I’ve worked with naturally inspire them to refer others.

When you, first and foremost, dedicate yourself to being outstanding in the service you are providing, most of the “marketing and promotion” will naturally come from word of mouth, as the results are plain to see.

You can have the slickest, most expensive marketing and promotion campaign, but it’s not going to matter over the long-term if you’re not fully dedicated to becoming outstanding at what you do and creating life-changing results.

Be trustworthy.

Be as authentic and genuine as you can be in your communication at all times. Don’t ever lie, try to deceive, or manipulate people to get new clients.

You are building a long-term relationship! The most important element of any relationship, whether personal or business, is trust.

You only build that trust by being honest and authentic.

Be present.

Instead of having some prepackaged marketing plan, be present and alive to the moment, listen closely, and speak from the inspired truth in your heart.

In being fully in the Now and deeply listening to someone, I can genuinely learn what their needs are, and how I may be able to best support them, often in very creative and innovative ways.

Do it for love.

Only follow a career path if you genuinely feel it’s making a positive difference in the world from the deepest call of your heart. If you truly feel it’s your highest purpose.

Never, EVER, do anything destructive to others because the money is good.

In other words, do it only as a mission of love!

Be generous in sharing your time, energy, knowledge, and wisdom.

What I’ve seen over 18 years is that when you do your work from a place of genuine care and love for others, they can feel it.

When you do things for the right reasons, you’ll attract the right people, and get the right results.

-Brian Piergrossi

(Related video in previous post )
New podcast episode!

My guest on this episode of this weeks Brian Piergrossi Podcast is Conner Kees.

Conner is the author of the forthcoming book, Trusting Your Foundation.

Conner writes:

There is something about the world which you know so deeply that it’s a total mystery how or why you would ever forget it.

To put it plainly, it is that you are in no way separate from the fullness of who you really are. Not only that, but you are not separate from anything, nor have you ever been.

There’s a way of coming into right relation with this so that it emerges into your awareness, both as your lived experience and as the very substance from which you are made.

This book is about allowing yourself to remember the unspeakable Truth which you’ve actually known all long, discovering a life which is effortless, fun, and free.”

Conner Kees is a speaker, author, coach, and philosopher living on the Big Island of Hawai’i. His passion is having the One Conversation that reminds us who we are, where we came from, what we’re doing here, and where we’re going when we think it’s all over.

Enjoy this conversation!

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Breaking: Solar Storm: Auroras This Weekend: 3 Things To Know

A solar storm is likely to yield a brilliant celestial show for millions in the Northern Hemisphere this weekend – even in some places that don't often see the aurora borealis, or northern lights.
H ere are three things you'll want to know about this special event that's expected to peak over the weekend:

1 .
An unusually strong geomagnetic storm is ongoing: This is the first time that an Extreme (G5) Geomagnetic Storm Watch has been issued by NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center since October 2003. In their warning, the agency said Earth-directed coronal mass ejections are expected to continue all weekend.

Chris DeWeese in Friday's edition of the Morning Brief newsletter: "Of course, NOAA doesn’t issue this kind of watch just for the benefit of stargazers. Since geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on the surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations, the agency uses these watches to notify the operators of these systems so they have time to take protective action."

2 .
The northern lights could be visible as far south as Alabama: This is obviously not your ordinary geomagnetic storm, so the viewing area could be extraordinary, too. Experts say the viewing area could extend all the way down into the Deep South, with parts of northern Alabama potentially being able to see some of the show. In the West, areas as far south as Northern California might also see some of the auroras.

3 .
Weather conditions could cooperate for viewing, especially in parts of the country that don't traditionally see the northern lights. While parts of the Northeast and Great Lakes are likely to be cloudy and rainy for part of the prime viewing window over the weekend, clearer skies are expected along the West Coast. Parts of the South, as well as the Central and Northern Plains, could have clearer skies Friday night, but clouds might become more numerous Saturday night.

And here's a bonus tip: Even if you're in an area where clouds shroud the overnight viewing, did you hold on to those eclipse viewing glasses you bought in early April? If so, find a time when the skies are clear, throw on those glasses and take a peek at the sun. This geomagnetic storm is so big, it may be visible to the naked (but protected!) eye.
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Stop wasting time
Media is too big
Take time today to enjoy all the creations of the one creator.

There’s so much to be grateful for when we’re present to notice.
Media is too big
Joe Rogan Roasts the 'Trust the Science' Narrative

"If you want us to trust the science, you gotta make the science trustworthy. You can't leave the science in the hand of corporations that stand to profit if the science reflects one thing or the other...They've been fined for it...They run multiple tests and multiple studies and they'll throw out the ones that don't show any positive results and they finagle the studies to show some kind of positive thing and then they'll start prescribing it to people and they do it for money."
Are you identified with the body or are you identified with the timeless eternal state?

Eternal Life is here & now🌳 🕊️

New podcast episode!

This week is a special episode on the pod where the tables are turned! Guest Hannah Paradine interviews Brian and asks him some potent questions that are both on her mind, and in the collective consciousness right now.

Enjoy this enlightening interview about the power of masculine and feminine polarity, where ‘feminism’ went wrong and why it's really masculinism. The healthy version of competition. Tapping into our intuition, reconnecting with the ancient and often misunderstood concept of God, listening to the wisdom of our bodies and hearts while learning to quiet the excessive chatter of the mind, and much more.

Hannah Paradine is an integrative health coach with a passion for helping women reconnect with themselves, reduce anxiety and chronic stress, and lead lives that are truly authentic.

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Religion, science, & tech, are now pointing at the exact same Truth.

Science, and quantum physics in particular, is proving we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.

Is time & space real or merely a direct reflection of our consciousness ? Is there something more REAL which is the timeless, formless essence of who & what we truly are?

- Brian Piergrossi